University of Pittsburgh Class of 2027 Official Discussion Thread

Thanks for sharing what you learned.

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So one of my twins finally checked his portal and was admitted. Yay!

-applied 8/1

-moved to review phase 8/16

-acceptance letter dated 9/1

-School of Computing and Information



-1450 SAT

-4.3 GPA

-12 AP courses by graduation

-many ECs, several leadership positions

Twin is still waiting for a decision-School of Business.

Hereā€™s hoping that many more acceptances start rolling in this week!


My in state 2022 daughter received $5,000 and applied test optional. She was in your data last year.

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Right, I gotchu. I was specifically giving the OOS info for the poster whose kid is OOS.

Hello.First time posting. Can someone explain when/how the link for the SRAR comes? My daughter applied Aug. 28th, activated her account on Aug 29th but has yet to receive the email about the SRAR. Should she just create her own account or wait for the email?

In their application faq section, there is a link to the srar. Mine just used that and didnā€™t edit for an email.

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Thank you. Weird to me that sheā€™s still waiting for it when her application was received and account activated.

Congratulations!! Did it actially say review or pending? On portal ours says pendingā€¦Also does anyone know if OOS finds out later or similar timing to in state?

Application submitted. Didnā€™t send the transcript yet. My daughter currently has a study hall and shes getting it switched to be a teaching assistant in another class. Do you think that looks better then a study hall or should we just send the transcript now?

Pitt doesnā€™t want a transcript; they only accept the SRAR. As you fill that out, as long as youā€™re confident the switch is happening, just put the future schedule in there.

My second son got the accept/decline buttons in his portal tonight! Happy night here!

-applied 8/1
-moved to review phase 8/16
-waiting on letter in portal
-School of Business
-did not submit test scores
-4.3 GPA
-12 AP courses by graduation
-many ECs, several leadership positions


Congratulations, @gatormama !!!

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csmom2222, It changed from Pending to Completed.

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For those whose admitted kids applied for any kind of GAP program, did you receive notification of acceptance to this also? Just realized my kid applied to a GAP law program and see nothing reflecting a decision on this.

My daughter received her GAP acceptance at the same time she received her acceptance into the school of nursing. They were two separate letters.


I am applying to the Medicine GAP Program. Since it is highly competitive, there are several selections/reviews, and a very small number of applicants will be invited for an interview next year.


sorry, meant to send as PM

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That is odd, I was with her as she signed up for the portal and it states that they are waiting for the HS transcript

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OK so can someone explain to me what exactly Pitt needs for the application. Once you fill it out then what? No letters or rec? And someone said above no transcript?

From the website:
ā€œBeginning August 1, 2022 the Self-Reported Academic Record (SRAR) is required for all first-year applicants, with the exception of international students. First-year Common App applicants will receive a personalized link in their application submission confirmation email from Pitt to complete the SRAR. Students completing the Pitt Application will be able to complete the SRAR within the application itself.ā€

The checklist, including the above SRAR details, is on this page:

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