University of Richmond, Ohio State, Purdue, or Georgia Tech (summer start) for Physics

We have narrowed it down to these 4 schools. Most likely just Richmond or GT as she feels Ohio State is too big and since we can’t see GT before Purdue’s deadline of 4/15 to commit because of housing issues we have pretty much ruled out Purdue. We have attended all revisit days except for GT (going 4/15). I know these are very different schools. She is likely going to grad school for either a PhD or maybe an MD, she is unsure. We really like Richmond but she is drawn to GT because of reputation. Any advice appreciated. She is coming from a very small private high school.

Can you put a housing deposit down at Purdue without accepting? That would buy you two weeks to visit. You might lose your housing deposit. I would try to keep it on the list until you could visit.

GT isn’t a large school like OSU but it’s not small either. Dorms are mediocre and food is probably less than mediocre. Most kids move off campus after freshman year. Rent is not cheap. It’s an urban environment.

If Richmond feel’s right then go there. Graduating from there won’t be a hinderance for grad schools.


Copying @momofboiler1

Not sure the current housing issues. They used to have a shortage but I believe @momofboiler1 has said that’s been addressed.

That said, population wise, Purdue is large -but campus area wise is not Ohio State large.

I am lost here. Richmond vs GT? These are soo different schools. I have one child at
GT and another accepted and crazy in love with Richmond.
Richmond is great for premed. GT is not (grade deflation). There are no problems with food or dorms at GT but your DD can be overwhelmed after small school. Did you look at curriculum? Why GT for physics? I am sure it is strong in it, but I would choose is mostly for engineering. Frankly I am not sure that best choice for Physics is betwee Richmond and GT… I would carefully check all schools on your list. Freind’s daughter loves Ohio State but wanted small school initially… Just do not rush. What about cost? Where is your home state? Tell us more about your daughter and her interests. GT is crazy nerdy school. It is not for everyone. Richmond is not for nerds. I really have hard time to see the same kid happy at both schools (my 2 daughters are very different. )


Housing has been addressed at Purdue but they have a 4/15 deadline to guarantee housing. That’s a hard date and then students go on a wait list for housing. Personally I wouldn’t chance it because who knows what the yield number will look like this cycle.

I agree that Richmond is the outlier here. GT and Purdue are very similar cultures.

FWIW, for a student with pre-med intentions, I’d be favoring Richmond.


Assuming finances are not a differentiator with these schools (especially when considering the potential cost of med school), URich seems the best fit due to its smaller size, which may be an easier transition for a kid from a small high school. All of these schools will have good pre-health advising, but I suspect it will be more personalized at URich and easier to form relationships with professors and advisors.

But then I question why it is the only small school in consideration so maybe this student wants a large school environment.

Happy kids earn better grades, which is essential for med school or PhD. Where will she be happiest?


How much is the deposit? I can’t seem to find it on their webpage. Maybe it’s a small enough amount if OP wants to keep it in consideration.

I hate that schools do this to be - 4/15 and 5/1 decision day- c’mon.

But I know I paid and lost housing deposits (they were small) at schools even b4 decisions came.

My guess is if OSU is too large, then so will be Purdue - but OSU dwarfs anything :slight_smile:

For the record, we visited Richmond - and it was certainly not small - not like the student body. I was surprised by it’s length.

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I just went on the Purdue housing portal and it looks like they’ve change the priority housing date back to 5/5. But personally I would email housing and double check that:

The housing deposit is $200, non refundable.

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You’re a better searcher than me - or you have access via your daughter to sign in.

That’s AWESOME news if that is confirmed!!!

Just what OP needs - even more “choices” :slight_smile: But if OP likes a larger school- but not sprawling - Purdue is a wonderful choice.

I’m cautious about that date though because I’ve heard the mid April date repeated numerous times so it’s best for the OP to confirm directly with housing.

Oh, that’s good to know. Would you mind posting that housing info on the Purdue thread?

To OP: we are telling our son he has until 4/15 to decide between Purdue and the 1 other college that requires an early housing deposit. If he prefers Purdue, he’ll deposit there. Then if he ultimately chooses a different school, we’ll just eat the deposit.

I actually think doing premed at Purdue could be kind of fun. Not such a popular path there compared to many big publics. But any of the schools will prepare your daughter well for her goals. It sounds like her heart is with Richmond.

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Thank you all. There is an additional $500 enrollment deposit (total deposit of $700) you have to pay before they’ll send out the housing contract. The College of Science was asking us at the Purdue’s for Me event last month to commit no later than the 10th, preferably earlier as it takes 48 hours to process and send out housing contracts. I will double check with them if they really did in fact change the date.

We are in CT. Our in state option is UConn ($35K including all mandatory fees and housing). Other costs are Ohio State ($37,188 after National Buckeye Scholarship), Richmond ($44,410 after FA), & the cost for GT OOS is $45K. GT hasn’t sent out any FA info, but I don’t think we’d get much.

As for big school/small school, DD applied to both. She also has acceptances to Bucknell & Lafayette, but prefers Richmond. Lafayette is around the same cost as RIchmond and Bucknell came in at $50K. As for larger schools she is also in at UConn (Storrs) & Penn State (UP). Penn State was ruled out due to cost.

She is concerned about the large classes at these bigger schools, but liked the fact that with Purdue they have the physics majors take the honors section of the introductory physics class which is around 100 students, but they have the housing issue and there are some other reasons it’s #4 on the list. We won’t see GT until 4/15, so that might be too late. I love the cost of Ohio State, it’s my DH’s alma mater, and it’s really great for physics. However, it seems massive to DD, even after visiting twice. I really do not want to rush this. We were almost set with Richmond until GT accepted her after deferral on Friday.

I reached out to Purdue housing to clarify and this was the response:

Priority deadline to receive a central campus location is April 15. The housing portal will remain open for student until May 5. Applications received after April 15, 2023, and before May 5, 2023, may not be assigned to an on campus residence but may be assigned to an University Residences Boiler Apartment for the academic year. Any student who signs before May 5 is guaranteed housing.

For reference the UR Boiler Apartments are still very walkable to campus.


On a serious note, would the apartments be better for a kid who wants their own room or who wants to avoid a communal bathroom ?

My kid chose his school due to what he saw was army barrack like at Purdue (his words) - years ago. Apartments, I’m guessing, he would have loved !!

I’ll message you so I don’t derail the thread since it sounds like Purdue isn’t in the running for this student.

But you’ve brought it back in. Apartments walkable to campus :slight_smile:

Honestly when we visited Richmond I was surprised at the size !! It’s not small either !!

About GT. Are you aware that even GT introductory physics is very challenging? GT takes only 5s for AP credits in Physics. Do you know it is a GPA killer and many students (who are not Physics majors) take it at other institutions over the summer and transfer it in?
Pull online GT requirements for graduation in Physics. If MD is in any dreams, how can you invision (I get there are 19 credits of electives) your daughter do it?
I was Math major at GT 25+ years ago. My golden rule was no more than 2 Math classes per quarter (it was quarter system back at that time). Now imagine your daughter takes 2 Physics , one Math and one Chemistry (or Biology) at the same time. I would be dead. Can she do it and get GPA 3.7? That is what would be necessary for medical school application.
Another thing to consider. Yes there are some very smart ladies who are capable in PhD in Physics. I loved Physics and Mathematics but it did not even cross my mind to go for PhD in those areas (I do have Masters in Engineering), especially at GT…

Richmond is quite strong in foundational sciences, notably physics, chemistry and biology. For your daughter’s interests, I don’t see a better choice for her when the entirety of her preferences and goals are considered.

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I agree unless a student is absolutely crazy about physics and is ready to study it around the clock because it is really fun to solve all challenging problems all the time. In that case GT is a great choice.

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