University of Tennessee Knoxville - Computer Science Department

My DS is considering a CS major, I would like so know if anyone has had a DD or DS complete the program. How hard were the classes and how difficult was it to maintain a 3.0? Any other thoughts on the program overall are welcome. Thank you! It also appears you need a 3.4 GPA to be admitted into the fast track MS program in CS.

My son is wrapping up his undergraduate degree in CS in 3 years (lots of AP credits). He had no problems whatsoever. He thinks you have to be diligent and work steadily and you will be okay. His master’s level courses he felt were very hard and caused him a lot of grief this past semester.

@Lorijb, you’re in the University of Alabama forum. You might get a better response in the UT forums. If you flag your original post, and let them know you made a mistake posting here, they’ll move it for you.