University of Washington, Seattle Waitlist 2025

I got this email too. I guess that’s a wrap

Same email here

When you say that she was one of the first to be taken off the waitlist, do you remember when her other classmates might’ve heard back?

Got the same email :confused: I’m feeling really hopeless and while I know that appeals rarely work, I wish that I could’ve sent one in early. I was waiting for a letter of rec, and by the time that I got it, it was months late at end of April. I feared that it’d look bad if I’d sent it in so late.

This may seem like a silly question, but honestly—if I even attempt to send an appeal at this point do you think that they’d just see me as someone who’s not taking this seriously? If I’m being brutally honest, I know I would…

There are no silly questions. I think it wouldn’t hurt to send in an appeal, if that’s what you want to do, as they will see the date on your letter of rec and realize it took a while to get it. But of course it’s up to you.
As a parent, I’ve been watching this thread and have been waiting with you all, wondering if my daughter would get pulled off the waitlist. She just got the same email and texted it to me. I’m heartbroken for those that received the email and wish there was a better outcome. I will say this, my co-worker’s niece got pulled off the waitlist mid-June, and she had already enrolled in a local CC/JC. She’s graduating from UW this year so it was a few years ago, but you never know what can happen…

I have heard from current UW students you can send more than one appeal but on the website it only says once…;which is it?

Thank you so much for your reply! I really do appreciate it. Perhaps I’ll send in an appeal this week, as late as it is. Thank you for being so sweet and sharing all this input :sparkling_heart: I’m wishing you a great rest of your day :relaxed:

TY for your kind words :blush:. I can’t say I’m not shedding a tear or two for my daughter as she’s been anxiously waiting for an answer, only for it to be the one she didn’t wanted to hear :sob: She just wants to move on and not be held in limbo.
Good luck on your appeal and remember - better to submit it and know the outcome, than to not and regret you didn’t.

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My daughter got off the waitlist the last week of April

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I’m sending my best wishes to your daughter, and I hope it all works out! And thank you for the good luck as well, you’re absolutely right that it’s better to go without regrets. Thank you again :relaxed::revolving_hearts:

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We got the same email too. She has accepted at UC Davis which has a lower admission rate than UW. Confusing and discouraging. Now we will be paying OOS UC tuition when she really had her heart on going to UW with her friends from school. I hope this doesn’t sound bitter but when a 3.97 unweighted GPA varsity athlete can’t get into her state’s public university, I just think something is wrong.


Completely agree. And many other people we know feel the same way - students with over 3.9 GPA, deep in extra-curriculars, volunteering and sports as well as families that have supported UW in many ways for the past 25+ years.


I am in the same boat this is the most frustrating school when it comes to in state admissions. almost becomes an Ivy experience trying to get into a school 5 miles from your house


In-state 3.97 UW GPA got WL doesn’t make sense. Is Psychology major hard to get in?

My OOS D has 3.90 UW GPA & 1550 SAT applied for CS. We were upset as she was admitted as Pre-science with Purple & Gold scholarship. She has to decline as switching to CS is next to impossible. While we love the campus, paying OOS tuition for Pre-science doesn’t make sense.

I think it is one of the majors that is constrained but not ‘hard’ per se. Certainly not like CS or Business. Plus it doesn’t allow for the fact that she is 17 and could change her mind.

The only thing I can think of is we didn’t have an SAT but we signed up 3x and it was cancelled 3x. I know they say they weren’t looking for that but it really is the only thing I can come up with. Played 2 sports every year of hs, varsity in both and has had a job as a teaching assistant for over a year at a local preschool. Literally got one B in one semester her whole hs career.

I guess I am bitter. LOL! Single mom and my other daughter is at UW. This is not only going to be shockingly expensive but will make my life much more complicated.

My D also signed up for the SAT 3x and 3x it was cancelled. I’m sure there are a lot of applicants w/o SAT scores, so we’re all in the same boat. There really seems to be no rhyme or reason EVERY year. My D also had one B her whole hs career, varsity 4 yrs, leadership, volunteers, so plenty of ec’s and still waitlisted with the same email. She also maintained her A’s and one B (AP Gov/History) for first semester this year and submitted those grades when signing up for the waitlist.
I tend to think it’s the admits from last year that chose not to go to school/pay tuition for online classes (bc of Covid) and reapplied for this year with our seniors. I think I read the normal amount of applicants is around 43k and it was 48k this year. 5k doesn’t seem like a lot but it does make a difference. You’re not alone in feeling bitter. I do hope your D enjoys UCD and can get scholarship $ to help offset the costs of oos tuition.

Seattle University is reportedly accepting late applications from students waitlisted elsewhere. My daughter has a good HS friend who was accepted to WSU and Gonzaga but waitlisted at UW. She decided that she wanted to go to school in the Seattle area, not eastern WA and recently did a late application to SU, which is not one of the schools to which she originally applied.

Hi, I got the same email about housing? Did you end up contacting them if so did you hear back?