University of Washington, Seattle Waitlist 2025

Received an email 2 days ago (May 17th) saying I am still not offered admission but welcomed to stay on the waitlist. This is just really frustrating, I am about to graduate high school with an Associate’s Degree in Arts & Science, with a 3.9 community college GPA, and that isn’t enough? I even tried to list more extracurricular activities on my appeal and they said no too. Guess if I don’t get off the waitlist I’ll try transferring in the winter quarter, but I am definitely not having any hopes of getting admitted from UW again. With around an 50% admission rate, I do not know why it’s so hard. UW has been my dream school and the only university I’ve considered to attend so far, but I guess they don’t feel the same way about me. Sorry about the rant

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No I ended up not contacting them I honestly got really discouraged because it shouldn’t be this difficult to get into a 52% acceptance rate school especially considering that I got into UC Irvine which has a way lower acceptance rate I ended up committing to Seattle U instead but if you do end up contacting them about it please let me know. I’m guessing it was just an error though.

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Does anyone know if the in state acceptance percentage went down this year? I know a lot of people who are in state that also got waitlisted and they had incredible stats


Hi! How did she submit her late application? Did she have to contact the admissions office?

@Mom22Girls19 From the survey of my D’s classmates, the students who get into Ivies, Berkeley, or UCLA Hot majors all have 4.0 UW GPA & 10+ APs. I sense most of them have private tutors and coaches also. I do not know anyone with 1 or 2 Bs get in. So much for holistic review of candidates!

Seattle University costs $37000 more than WSU each year though.

Honestly I don’t know the details. If you are curious you could always give them a call.

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Seattle University is known to be generous with merit aid to be competitive - if interested, it is worth further evaluation and a discussion with admissions especially if you are a strong candidate.


Seattle U was the most generous merit aid offer my son received. A very good discount.

Has anyone else tried calling in or talking with their counselors about the numbers for this year? I find it odd thinking that at this time already they would have a full class and nobody coming off the waitlist at all. As weve seen in the past 3 yrs 1,000+ students come off the waitlist. Would this year be that different to where they got the perfect numbers in admissions? I have so many questions about the admissions trends and how the non ranking waitlist works and the scenarios in which some of us could be admitted. Let me know if any of you have any insight…thanks.


Yeah, I have the same question too. I find it strange that they haven’t came out yet with any updates when it comes to waitlisted applicants.

I honestly believe this year’s waitlist was also competing with 2020 admits that chose to forego entrance last fall because they didn’t want to pay tuition to go to school online and reapplied for this fall. That would explain the 48k applications instead of the usual 43k.
Of course, I might not know what I’m talking about as the increase could’ve been from this class applying to more colleges than normal.
That’s just my take on it as there doesn’t seem to be many coming off the waitlist as you mentioned.

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Does anybody know if the admissions office on campus is open or completely virtual?

Did you ever find out the answer to your question from someone/somewhere else?
My daughter received an email from the Financial Aid Office late Fri, 5/28 night. She checked her portal this morning with no change - still on waitlist. I tried calling financial aid this morning and got a recording they are working remotely. Do you think the financial aid email is just a glitch? Were you able to get ahold of the admissions office?

Has anyone else received a financial aid email but still on the waitlist? My d received the email late Fri night so I called admissions this morning and they checked and said she was still on the waitlist and they don’t know why she was sent the email. She suggested I reply to the email and ask why it was sent if she’s still on the waitlist.

you’re not alone yo i get it. I got waitlisted too even though I did running start. I hope space becomes available or we get the chance to maybe transfer


Did anyone get any updates from UW or got off the waitlist recently?

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Nope - Unfortunately not.

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Nope - also unfortunately not…

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