University of Wisconsin Class of 2019 Postponed Early Action

I agree with hopefullBadgerPlz I just got in after seeing that with a 3.5 and 31 ACT

I was reading in some threads for other schools that they thought if you were postponed early action that you were less likely to get admitted because they basically looked at you once and you didn’t make the cut and you were put in the bottom of the pile and then they choose the next batch of regular decision admits and then they fill the rest of the spots from whoever is left.

I was also postponed, but I have not heard back, which makes me a little nervous. What was your GPA and ACT or anything other things you think would have majorly benefited your admission?

29 act, 3.8 gpa. I think after they admit the cream of the crop there are a lot of good qualified students with similar stats to choose from and it’s a crapshoot.

Did anyone receive the financial aid email today? With an updated link on the portal?

I was accepted last Friday for engineering.

It certainly seems that being from IL is considered a detriment to being accepted at UW-Madison, or at least being accepted without being given a run-around until the last possible minute. Before finally receiving his acceptance in the last few days, my son moved UW from being his number one school to the bottom of his list in the nearly four months that have transpired since he was after postponed on Dec. 5. In the meanwhile, he’s been admitted to the Honors College at numerous other schools, including being directly admitted to U of Michigan’s Ross School of Business. Not postponed, waitlisted, or any other jargon. Directly admitted. His friends with similar stats, also postponed at UW, have since been admitted to U of Illinois Engineering, Purdue Engineering, and other highly regarded programs at other schools.

Four months is a lot of time for top students to be courted by other universities. There is a real difference visiting a university as an admitted student and having the proverbial welcome mat rolled out for you, than visiting one wondering that has, at best, postponed you to “manage” some fuzzy enrollment criteria. I am wondering if any other students (especially from IL) have also had a negative reaction to this inexplicably long delay.

Another red flag for me in these last few months is that UW claims not to guarantee housing for postponed students. Wondering if a bunch of our country’s best and brightest are supposed to be living in a “van down by the river.”

@spartanspirit I agree with you. I was personally told last week after being postponed early action that I would be either accepted or rejected and not waitlisted. well guess what? waitlisted. I am from also from IL. I also think Wisconsin has a little car salesmen in them.

@spartanspirit – a number of Big 10 schools do not guarantee spots in their own housing after freshman year. In our experience, at UW, IU and elsewhere, 75% of the sophomores move off campus into apartments and stay off for the rest of their time at school. These schools have 6-8000 beds in their own housing, but not 28-32,000 beds for all the undergrads. In Madison and Bloomington, there are literally thousands of room/apartments available for students which are not owned by the University. By Dec of freshman year, students are already planning where they are moving for sophomore year. While that dynamic certainly has its downsides, it is common on those campuses. No one is living in a van, and parents are often happy to have their students off campus because housing costs can be cheaper than on campus.

As a UW parent, whose student was not initially accepted, I commiserate with the frustration. UW, like many schools, is managing class size, and presumably, when the number of freshman is around 6000, not 600, that is trickier.

Congrats to your son on his direct admit to Ross at Michigan.