University of Wisconsin Class of 2019 Postponed Early Action

Does anyone know when we will here if we applied early action and got postponed?

March 31st is the last possible date for them to release postponed (and second notification period) decisions. I wouldn’t expect a decision to come until at least the final week of the month.

do they usually release on fridays?

I know that seemed to be the trend for the first notification period, but it’s hard to predict for this one. Seeing as how it is already March 1st, I don’t think they have enough time to disperse the decisions amongst only a few Fridays. I believe they will most likely release postponed decisions at random during the last week of the month.

For postponed people I would assume they’ll hear back at the latest possible time so last week, agreeing with above poster. But for the normal second round applicants Fridays and Tuesdays might be a popular day, as seemed the trend for the first round

Nobody I heard of got a decision on a day other than Friday/Tuesday, but then again, I only heard about like 25-50 cases which represents only a tiny portion of the whole

When did the postponed kids here last year?

hear Last year they heard last week of March, and the year before mid March

Decision: Denied
SAT 1: 670 CR, 760 Writing, 770 Math(2200 total)- took it twice got 1940 the first time
ACT: did not participate
SAT 2: 690 US History, 780 Math 2
Weighted GPA: 3.4
UW GPA: 3.27
AP: Sent US History 4 and AP Psychology 4
Senior Courseload: AP Statistics, AP World History, Regular English, Anatomy/Physiology, Band, Gov./Econ., Marching Band
Major awards: none
extreme upward trend from sophomore year to junior year in terms of GPA
4 years band, 4 years marching band, 4 years cross country, 4 years track
Volunteer/Community Service: volunteer marching band 48 service house(separate from 4 years marching band)

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Undeclared- Business
State(if domestic applicant): CA
School Type: public co-ed
Ethnicity: Chinese American
Gender: Male
Income Bracket: $220,000/year
Hooks: extreme upward trend in GPA from sophomore year to junior year

Strengths: upward GPA trend, SAT 1
Weaknesses- Low overall GPA, no special ecs
Why do you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: My GPA was too low and didn’t have great extracurriculars
General Comments: Not too disappointed I still have many options.
Where else were you accepted/rejected/waitlisted: accepted: Purdue University, UC Riverside(2k/year scholarship), The Ohio State University(12k/year scholarship), Stony Brook University(6.5k/year scholarship), Penn State University, San Jose State University, Uconn, UCSC rejected: UCSD, UC Davis, UC Irvine waitlisted: UIUC, Cal Poly SLO, UCSB

FYI…I heard from Univ Wisconsin - Madison on March 20th (accepted) at 8:30pm after being postponed EA back on Dec 5th.

Accepted last Friday after being postponed in January. 3.2 and 1340 out 1600

My financial aid link updated this morning!! Great sign for me!!

@ad1172‌ almost guaranteed acceptance then, congrats! Are you in state? Stats?

@HopefulBadgerPlz‌ in state, postponed in December. Got the fafsa conformation at 6 am

@ad1172‌ if you don’t mind, what’s your GPA/ACT?

@HopefulBadgerPlz‌ 3.7 Uw 30 Act

@ad1172‌ Question for you… mine update too, it went from just saying “no financial aid information available” to there now being a table with a clickable link to “financial aid 2015-2016”, but when I click it, it still says there are no financial awards. However, it shows that I have to fill out three other forms that they are ‘missing’… FIF, etc. Is this similar to how yours updated? I also got an e-mail saying I need to submit those extra forms for my aid application to continue being processed. Idk what this means but I don’t want to get my hopes up and look into it too much if it’s nothing! :-SS

@BaseballBucky‌ yea, that’s how mine updated. It said fafsa processed, then had three additional forms to fill out in the “information needed” section. I can’t imagine it’s nothing, they wouldn’t be asking for additional material if we were rejected!

@ad1172‌ thanks for your help! Hoping it’s good news for the both of us. :slight_smile:

Whoever this financial update thing happens to, ends up getting accepted! I already see like five people from this forum that it has happened to. So it definitely is a great sign for whoever is fortunate enough to get it!