University of Wisconsin-Madison Class of 2020 Early Action

Is applying EA for UW-Madision increase your acceptance rate?
How hard is it to apply for college of business compare to, say, engineering?

No EA at UW-Madison, but rolling admissions and some suggest the earlier you apply the better. You’re at least likely to hear back earlier. Applying to a specific program, particularly highly competitive such as Engineering and as an out-of-state student, logically makes it a bit harder to get in to the university itself. If you’d not be happy in Madison unless you get into that program, keep in mind that you can transfer in from, say Letters & Sciences, if you have strong freshman grades, but no guarantees. Consider contacting the college (Engineering, Business, etc.) directly and asking their thoughts.

Wrong about admissions.

There is NO “early action” for UW- only rolling admissions.

You are admitted to the university as a whole, regardless of your intended major, if any. Therefore your “competition” for admissions is everyone who applys as a freshman. Not harder/easier to get admitted with any proposed major.

The only reason to state a major is to get the most appropriate advisor for summer orientation. There are a very few students admitted directly to some programs, but all are first admitted to the university. This gives you flexibility in choosing or changing a major any time you are a UW student (although deciding too late may mean needing more semesters to graduate).

You need to look at the UW website for criteria to be admitted to majors you are interested in. With few exceptions no one is admitted directly to either the College of Engineering or the School of Business. Most must first have a good track record while a UW student.

Those apply by the earlier date will get a decision of admit/deny or postpone by the given date. Many are postponed until all applicants who apply by the deadline (Feb) are evaluated.

@wis75 When do admission decisions start rolling out?

i have heard dec 5 is the earliest

On our campus tour we were told that this will be the first year where at least a limited number of students will be accepted directly into the engineering college. Previous years (and I believe most students this year) had to apply to get in after a year or so of study. At Penn State, I was not officially a ChemE until the start of my junior year

has anyone heard yet?

Nothing here. Anyone??? I read somewhere (on their website) we’d hear around the end of January…has anyone else read that? Or heard anything?

Yes, they will notify applicants by January 31st, if they submitted their applications by the first notification deadline of November 1st. Good luck!!!

Has anyone heard back yet?

When do the results come out?

@UWadmissions tweeted:

futurebadgers who applied by 11/2: We’ll release decisions all weekend. If you don’t hear tonight, don’t worry! You’ll hear on Sat or Sun.

Still nothing here. Anyone heard anything? By email, or how?

Just looked on MyUW and decision is there! Son got in!! :slight_smile:

So after you got in, do you need to send the official mid year report to the school? I did not get anything that ask me to self report.

^^Mid year no AFAIK but final year transcript yes.

@College2B Thanks!


As Far As I Know = AFAIK