University of Wisconsin- Madison divided?

<p>Is University of Wisconsin- Madison really divided when speaking of midwest, west coast, and east coast students? If so how is this division seen/ related? What do people mean they are not sure where they would fit in. Assuming that only a small fraction of University of Wisconsin- Madison students are OOS ( about 35%, clearly the 35% isn't west coast or east coast) how could the division of the students be so well throughout the campus?</p>

<p>Also what type of mood is at University of Wisconsin- Madison? Say everyday Saturday feeling, or more so...?</p>

<p>A student from Michigan wouldn't have a problem of division, easly fitting with coasties and midwesterns?</p>

<p>Also what does sconnies mean?</p>

<p>NO PROBLEM. You have to realize that this issue is greatly magnified on this forum. Also remember that the OOS students who choose to isolate themselves is very small- the other students do not isolate them, they do it to themselves. Do not worry at all- you will be in Packers/Badgers territory, not Lions/Wolverines territory, but I expect your college loyalties will be for Wis and Detroit football, hmm... Sconnies is a slang for Wisconsinites- not a commonly heard of one and fairly recent one.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Its not a problem apparently unless you make it one. If you are snooty and stuck up and treat Sconnies like they are less than you, then you will probably be labeled a dumb coastie. (Even if your from Mi I guess) Otherewise its all good.</p>