University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

My son is also Kelley direct admit and pre-business at Wisconsin. He got an email a while back saying that he was on the direct admit waitlist and to submit his first semester grades. Other than that, there is no info on how it works, how many kids are on it, or how many they might take. Incidentally, my wife and son were at Wisconsin today and will be at Indiana tomorrow. Congrats on your son’s ACE admission, mine was invited, but he didn’t do it b/c Indiana at the time was maybe 4th or 5th choice.

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My son was direct admit at Wisconsin but not Ace at Kelley and very little merit at Kelley. Go figure.

Does anyone have news from the waitlist from UW?

what is ACE at kelley?

It’s basically getting admitted to the Kelley honors program for your freshman year. It’s a competitive process, and if you get in, you automatically qualify for the honors program with a minimum GPA requirement going forward.


How liberal is the school these days? My student is quite moderate, a little left on some issues and a little right on others (fwiw, considering CS major) and I don’t want them to feel uncomfortable.

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Could I ask what your son’s stats were? Specifically did he submit an ACT? My son is looking for next year Business but we are trying to decide if ACT score is important. He has a good GPA and sports. I’m curious how many direct admit’s to Business got in without an ACT. THANKS.

Do you guys have any idea what the recs are for Direct admit business school? My son is applying next year and we are deciding if the ACT is needed. I am curious how many got direct admit to business. My son has a strong GPA but not wanting to push it not he ACT if he doesn’t need it. THANKS.

Hi - I can give you some perspective but not specific recs. My understanding is that the matriculated WSB DA class is usually around 350 students with an admitted group of probably around 1000 +/-. I think at least half of those are in-state Wisco, so a lot depends on in-state vs OOS. Anyone with better data, please correct me!

In terms of the recs, we are in Illinois and our high school is one of the biggest OOS feeder schools to UW Madison. For our high school, I know only 4 students that were DA to WSB. (There may have been more that my son isn’t aware of, but not many). They all had the following in common: Top 10% of their class or better, >1490 SAT, 6-9 APs, varsity athletes and great ECs outside of sports. There were several students from our high school that did not get DA with better GPAs and test scores but not as good ECs. My take is WSB was looking for strong, well-rounded students, not just great grades and test scores.

I don’t know of anyone that got in that didn’t have test scores, but that is anecdotal, not definitive.

One other thing I should mention is all of the students we know from our high school that got DA went EA - none that we know were RD. (And they all heard well after the in-state/Minnesota EA students were notified!) Again, the fact they were all EA may just be coincidental.

Kelley and Gies both > Wisconsin for Business

they’re all pretty much the same

Hi. Does anyone know move-in dates for rising Freshman in Aug or Sept?

University residence hall contracts start on 9/5 and classes begin on 9/8.

Hi, my daughter said it is too late to choose a roommate for the dorms next fall. They were supposed to let housing know if they had a roommate by 5/1. She just committed to Wisconsin on 5/1 so has not found a roommate. Is it really too late? Apparently, many other schools let you choose your own roommate until mid-summer.

Yes it is too late … many kids go random with much success it sounds like and she can fill out a questionnaire and the school uses some system to match them.

Thank you. Hopefully the random placement will work out!

Did he end up getting in? My son got deferred this year and wondering how many end up still getting in. Agree the late March is a bummer to hear again.