University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Same and 3.9 gpa

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Deferred EA and now waitlisted with a 3.8 weighted gpa and a 1410 sat. Looks like itā€™s off to UMiami or UF for me. Congrats to all!!

My MN girls were deferred EA and now both denied.

3.8 GPA
31 ACT
Student Council, Class Pres, 2 varsity sports, etc.

3.9 GPA
29 ACT
Pres of Social Justice club, Yearbook editor, 1 varsity sports, etc.

I got accepted into CAES (Center of Academic Excellence) at least thatā€™s what it says on my decision letter, but what does that even mean? Does anyone know what that is?

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When do they send out financial aid packages?

Same - deferred EA and then waitlisted. OOS with grades/scores/EC that should have qualified her for admission in the EA round in a normal cycle. Very happy this process is over for us! Congrats to all!

My daughter was admitted EA and was notified last night that she is a Mercile J Lee scholar!!! We are OOS and now she will be able to attend UW Madison! She committed this morning.


I am sorry to hear this - this college admission cycle has been so challenging for so many. It is heartbreaking when kids have worked so hard and end up so disappointed. Strength to you. I hope your daughter finds a place she loves.

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Congrats! My daughter (admitted EA) is also OOS, and weā€™re hoping to get some late scholarship assistance (which we really need to make this work); weā€™ve been in touch with her department and weā€™re hoping some $ becomes available.

Do you know when the finanacial aid packages will be sent out?

Hi, my S (oos) got waitlisted for the biz school. Has received direct admission to Kelley @ IU. Does anyone have insight or stats about kids getting off the waitlist at Wisconsin?

For how great Kelley is ranked plus direct admit - why take chances? That is fabulous to have that option frankly? There are a bunch of kids who were EA put in pre business who are on UW waitlist so it must be deep ā€¦

You canā€™t lose yet Kelley quite well ranked

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Hi Raph2025 we are in the same situation. Have you seen IU and Kelley? Itā€™s very impressive.
Applicants have a 30% chance of getting off the waitlist but you will need to wait until July 31 to find out. Meanwhile, housing options for IU are first come, first serve.

We are also in the same boat. My S also got into Kelley and Gies but for some reason he is really wanting Wisconsin. I told my son that he should commit elsewhere and if he doesnā€™t hear back from Madison by June 1, to move on.

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My S is a direct admit to Kelley and they have been incredibly helpful in every way. We send all our questions/communications to our admissions director who is fantastic, very informative and responsive. We are leaning toward to Kelley over Wisconsin due to their better business school reputation - however both schools are great.

Thanks for the note. Interesting that we have had such different experiences. My son is down to Gies and Kelley and is leaning towards Kelley. Heā€™s heading to Bloomington this weekend with some friends who have relatives in B-town so it is probably a done deal in spite of his experience with the AO.

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My son got into the ACE program at Kelley but not even directly into business at Wisconsin! And unless we donā€™t even understand how to see it - I donā€™t even think heā€™s on the direct business admit waitlist at Wisconsinā€¦if thatā€™s even a thing??

How do you know if youā€™re waitlisted for biz school?

I would contact the Wisconsin the admissions director directly and schedule a call. Big congrats to your son - ACE is super tough to get into - super impressive. Seems like a no brainer to me.