University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Okay, Let’s not get too paranoid. We’ll come back tomorrow and check. Speculating isn’t going to do any good. We are getting the decision tomorrow, and we’ll know tomorrow.


I have it - stats are 4.0 UW/4.42W, 1370 SAT, OOS

I have it. 4.0 UW/ 4.69 W, 31 ACT OOS

just showed up for me

I have the button!!

But decisions are not out and they wouldn’t post decisions this late, it’s most definately tomorrow and I’m getting weird feeling it comes out mid-day

Our new student tile just showed. Have been spamming the site for 2 Hours and it just showed. so they are still loading. Business OOS

anyone else wanna do journalism??!! Just curious

i didn’t get anything. oos IL 1490 and 3.87 uw 4.87 w. hoping it’ll just show up w time

I applied as a journalism major!

I’m sure you are fine, mine wasn’t showing up earlier

I know others have said it, but I had to log out and then log back in to see it. Refresh didn’t work for us. Good luck.

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OMG no way!!! What kind of journalism do you want to do!!??

I have it. 30 ACT 4.48/ 4.0 OOS

I have it
From MA applied to School of Ed

Anyone apply to CALS and have the list thingy?


i was able to sign in to the admitted students page, and it welcomed me as a future badger, so i’m assuming that means good news? i tried yesterday, and it didn’t let me in then

How did you do that?