University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

Yeah I would hope since it’s a weekend they would do it earlier.


Ugh. It really sucks how they are taking so long. Wisconsin is my last decision to come out and it is my top choice.


True but don’t forget lots of ppl have already been admitted & they can always have another one for this wave.

Since a lot of people have been admitted, does that mean that the people still waiting have less of a chance?

Haven’t they been having admitted student sessions throughout the weeks since they admitted students in December? Maybe its just a scheduled time and admissions will come out at night. I really do hope they come out soon though

I don’t think so if they’re doing it by region. They only allot for so many spots per region.

Real people are waiting for their decisions. Please release the decisions earlier, so everybody can have some time to digest the results and do something of our own on weekends.

Does anyone know how they will be released? Like will they do it by state or all at once

I just left a comment on their Instagram. I am disappointed with the admissions office. I am less enthusiastic about sending my child to a school displaying this level of disorganization up front.


I have boat loads of homework due tomorrow that I haven’t touched because I’m so caught up in this


is anyone able to get into the housing application? i was but it just says hi (my name)!


Same. But does EVERYONE have it?

And imagine they lectured us about procrastination on their insta :face_with_monocle:


Whomever posted the admonishment on their Instagram is my hero. Brava!

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My kid would be horrified :anguished:

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That was me. I am a little off put by them.


I read it to my son and he says “they aren’t wrong”

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Which Instagram page? I don’t see anything on admissions.

I commented on their last post.

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