University of Wisconsin, Madison EA Class of 2025

it’s 31st wisconsin time meaning it’s only 1040 am there

This is so nerve racking. I really hope they release before 3:30 rather than waiting till 7. No need to string it on to the absolute last minute


i think it makes it even worse that so many decisions were released in mid-december, yet they’ve waited until the last possible day for all of the others


Yes, this too

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You’re right, I guess I was just wrong to assume it was a weekday. And I feel bad for everyone on here checking the portal for the housing or new student checklist or whatever, and not finding what others find - and the stress that causes - when it doesn’t necessarily mean anything.


Hindsight I’m glad they took more time if they were actually reading through applications rather than just deferring but when those came out I was completely crushed and didn’t think I could wait another month and a half

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(post withdrawn by author, will be automatically deleted in 24 hours unless flagged)

If they are still reading decisions today and yesterday do you think those kids will get the same evaluation as ones made last week when they are stressed and under the gun and working on a weekend? No. They won’t. Better to defer them as much as it stinks to give them a fair shake

I meant in December. A mom on here was saying a lot of MN applicants got deferred. I don’t want to put worlds in her mouth but I think she implied that she thought more kids may have been deferred because they were rushed. I’m honesty not sure if it makes much a difference but it was just a thought I had.

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Oh yes that makes sense. Georgia is very upfront about their process and say they just don’t have time to fully evaluate every kid in EA the way they will for RD so they defer instead of make a rush decision. So viewing deferral in that light as much as it is difficult I do appreciate it. I would rather they give my kid the same treatment as others in terms of evaluation. If they are still trying to make decisions this weekend I think that will be unfair to those kids.


Definitely agree, they should give everyone the same evaluation

Prioritizing some states to others causing people’s misunderstanding and poor management of school list has already been bad.

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Does anyone have an ETA of when decisions will come out? Today? Tomorrow? Im in Michigan so it may be different but idk.

i think today before 3:30

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I wish there was an answer

Don’t feed the troIIs. When I delete their post, I also delete the responses. And I will assume that any new member with a nonsense post is a troII and handle accordingly. Thanks to those of you who flagged.


No one knows. As of a few days ago they said by today. So maybe it will be today. Maybe they’ll send an email saying not today. No one knows

I would guess a start of releases between 7-8:30 CST. I think their software has set release time start that has always happened in the evening but that’s just a guess. This year has been crazy.

Thank you! It sucks that so many people come here to ■■■■■ and you have to deal with it

I’m really hoping that since they have an admitted student session today at 3:30 that they do intact release today