Use this post ONLY for the RESULTS of the University of Wisconsin-Madison Fall 2017 EA.
Please use the format below.
Please DO NOT post congratulations, or any other comments here.
Please remove the * before posting.

[B][size=4][color=#008000]Decision: Accepted[/color][/size][/b]
color=#FFA500]Decision: Deferred[/color][/size][/b]
color=#FF0000]Decision: Rejected[/color][/size][

SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown):
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0):
Weighted GPA:
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load:
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
Job/Work Experience:
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities:
Essays (rating 1-10, details):
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details):
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details):
Additional Rec (if any) (rating 1-10, details):
Interview (if any) (rating 1-10, details):

Applied for Financial Aid?:
Intended Major:
State (if domestic applicant):
Country (if international applicant):
School Type:
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):

Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected:
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

[B]General Comments (if any):*

Decision: ACCEPTED

SAT I (breakdown): 1500 (rSAT) 760 M / 740 EBRW (didn’t send)
ACT (breakdown): 34 C (35 E, 30 M, 34 R, 35 S)
SAT II: 760 US History, 740 Math II (didn’t send)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.9
Weighted GPA: 4.12
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): N/A
AP (place score in parenthesis): US History (5); Lang & Comp (4)
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics, AP Calc. A/B, AP Euro, AP Lit & Comp, US Gov, Philosophy, Choir
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Merit Semifinalist (hope to be Finalist in a few weeks)

Job/Work Experience: Part time 10-15 hours per week during the school year (25 + in summer)
Volunteer/Community service: 60 + hours tutoring immigrant children
Summer Activities: A few enrichment activities (engineering camp, quiz bowl camp) - mostly work
Essays (rating 1-10, details): High. They demonstrated a good fit

Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Submitted one rec. letter which I didn’t see.
Interview: Had a great interview with one of the undergraduate academic advisors. Have no idea whether that helped me but I did mention it in the essay.

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Business and/or Economics
State (if domestic applicant): Minnesota

Strengths: Very strong academically
Weaknesses: Probably short on leadership but fortunately it didn’t matter
Why you think you were accepted: I had the stats. and I had researched the university and shown interest. Not surprised by the admission but would be very happy attending here!
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Admitted to UMTC (honors); deferred EA at Chicago so re-applied ED2, waiting on NU and CMU (RD).

Decision: Accepted College of Engineering

SAT I (breakdown): N.A.
ACT (breakdown): 32 (didn’t send)
SAT II: 1450 (740 math, 710 Reading)
SAT Subject tests: 790 Math II, 710 US History
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 98/100
Weighted GPA: 101.35
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 5/167
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP Calc AB (5), AP Lang (4), APUSH (4)
IB (place score in parenthesis): N/A
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calc BC, AP Bio, AP Stats, AP Literature and Comp, Computer Science, Hon Ocean Science
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): National Honors Society

Extracurriculars: Key Club (president), Math Team (captain), varsity soccer, track, Maine Youth Orchestra, Executive Board
Job/Work Experience: Farm Camp Councilor (summer 2016)
Volunteer/Community service: Middle School assistant track coach (15 hrs) , Key Club activities (70 hrs)
Summer Activities: UMaine consider Engineering program (3 days)
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 7/10 didn’t love my common app essay, but I was very proud of my supplements

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details): 10/10 AP Calc teacher, had for two years
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details): 9/10 AP English teacher, known for writing good recommendations
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 5/10 she’s a bit of a whack job and I have little faith in her writing abilities
Additional Rec (if any) (rating 1-10, details): none
Interview (if any) (rating 1-10, details): none

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Biomedical Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): Maine
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Urban Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: 150 k
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Mom went to UMadison

Strengths: grades, extracurriculars
Weaknesses: common app essay
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: good fit for the school, from Maine, grades
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Accepted to UMichigan and UBuffalo
Applied to Northwestern, University of Vermont, Vanderbilt, and Tufts

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown): 26 (E: 28 M: 26 R: 24 S: 25)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.8
Weighted GPA:3.907
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 14/150
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP World History (3)
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calculus, AP Macroeconomics, AP Government, AP Literature and Composition, Spanish 3, Orchestra, Yearbook(editor)
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): President’s Volunteer Service Gold Award

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): NHS (treasurer), Student Council (treasurer in 9th grade, secretary in 11th grade), Yearbook (editor), Orchestra (first chair), Girls’ Tennis Manager, Forensics (made state both years), DECA (medaled and headed to state this year), Mentoring, School Newspaper, Thinkwell (an online literary magazine that a few of my friends and I started), Theater, International Club, NJHS (in the 9th grade)
Job/Work Experience: Worked 21 hours/week in the summer, 8hr/wk during school year
Volunteer/Community service: Lots of hours, help out a lot at the elementary school and with other school events
Summer Activities: Badger Girls’ State
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 9
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Didn’t get to read them

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Undecided
State (if domestic applicant): Wisconsin
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: Prefer not to answer
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): First generation

Strengths: I’m a good writer and I know how to sell myself.
Weaknesses: No sports, weak ACT score
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I think it may have been my activities and my essay that got me accepted ultimately.
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I’ve gotten accepted into the University of Illinois, UW- La Crosse, UW- Green Bay, Marquette University, and now, Madison. Currently waiting to hear back from UM-Twin Cities.

General Comments (if any):
Honestly, don’t let a lower ACT score get to you. My friend got a 23 on the ACT and she got in. However, she did have a 4.0 and lots of leadership roles. :slight_smile:

Is there anyone that applied EA but still didnt get the decision?

Me! OOS (IL to be exact) and havent heard anything yet.

Decision: Accepted

ACT (breakdown): 31 (E: 34 M: 31 R: 28 S: 28)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.3
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 20th percentile
AP (place score in parenthesis): AP US History (4), AP European History (4), AP Lang & Comp (5), AP Biology (3)
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calculus, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, Honors Biomedical Science, Psych, government

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): lots of sports and clubs and internships
Volunteer/Community service: Lots of hours, tutored underprivileged kids, dog shelter
Summer Activities: Internship at a lab
Essays (rating 1-10, details): pretty good
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): Good teachers, didn’t read them (I had three teachers)

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Biological Sciences
State (if domestic applicant): California
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: High bracket

Strengths: I’m a good writer, had job experience and very passionate about science
Weaknesses: No student council type stuff
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I am a double legacy and had strong scores
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I’ve gotten accepted into SDSU and Boulder. Currently waiting to hear back from Tulane, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSB, Cal Poly, USD and USC.

General Comments (if any):
I thought my why Wisconsin essay was pretty strong because I have visited campus a lot and been to a lot of the Rose Bowls so I had a lot to write about!

Anyone get a EA decision on the school of engineering? OOS here.

@prep4col check the other thread. This is results only. :slight_smile:

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown): 33C (34 E, 34 M, 32 R, 33 S)
SAT II: Math II: 760, Physics: 720
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.7
Weighted GPA: 4.13
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable):
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics C, BC Calc, AP Comp Sci, AP Gov, Honors Humanities
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): 4 years of soccer, singing groups that take up a lot of my time
Job/Work Experience:Referee for soccer
Volunteer/Community service:
Summer Activities: Summer classes at universities
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 10, Very well written
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 10, Very likeable student and work very hard

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details):
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details):
Additional Rec (if any) (rating 1-10, details):
Interview (if any) (rating 1-10, details):

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: Mechanical Engineering
State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Male
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.):

Strengths:ACT, extracurriculars, and course rigor
Weaknesses: GPA
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: I would say I’m a very holistic applicant which schools seem to like.
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected:

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown):
ACT (breakdown): 26C (24 E, 32 M, 23 R, 24 S)
SAT II: Math II: 770, Physics: 750
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.44
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): top 5% out of 600
AP (place score in parenthesis):n/a
IB (place score in parenthesis):n/a
Senior Year Course Load: AP Physics 1,2,and C, BC Calc, AP chem, AP Chinese, ap stats
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NHS, mu alpha theta, Chinese honors society

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):

International Club -4 years (President)
Mathletes -3 years
Student Council -2 years ( student representative)
Link crew and welcome crew - 1 year (student leader)
Chinese Honors society - 1 year (president)
Job/Work Experience:
I am a tutor at Kumon- Math and Reading learning center.
Volunteer/Community service: 92 hours
Summer Activities: n/s
Essays (rating 1-10, details):
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details):
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details):
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details):
Additional Rec (if any) (rating 1-10, details):
Interview (if any) (rating 1-10, details):

Applied for Financial Aid?: Yes
Intended Major: biochemistry
State (if domestic applicant): Illinois
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: Asian (Chinese)

Gender: female
Income Bracket: poor
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): first generation

Strengths: n/a
Weaknesses: everything
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: luck
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: accepted :OSU, Indiana, UAB rejected: Northwestern


Please consider applying for the full tuition Chancellor’s Scholarship. You qualify if you are socio-economically disadvantaged. Hurry! It’s due February 1st.




@Madison85 one of the eligibiliies is be a US citizen, unfortunaly I am not yet. I will get my citizenship after my 18 birthday which is before uw school starts, do you think I should still apply?

Decision: Accepted

ACT: 30
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 4.0
Weighted GPA: 4.2
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): NA
AP (place score in parenthesis): Spanish (5), Language (5), US History (4)
IB (place score in parenthesis): NA
Senior Year Course Load:
Quarter System

  1. Physics 1. AP Literature
  2. AP Gov/Econ 2. French 2
  3. French 1 3. Pre Calc Honors

Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): San Diego Union Tribune All-Academic Team; AP Scholar; various sports honors and awards

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis):
4 year varsity tennis (Captain as Junior)
1 year varsity lacrosse, 1 year JV (captain JV)
Job/Work Experience:
Tennis coach, freelance model
Volunteer/Community service:
Animal fostering, animal shelter volunteer, volunteer modeling, home building in Mexico
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 9
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details):
Counselor: (said to be strongest recommender out of counselors) 8
Teachers: two letters (10, AP Spanish Profe who also builds homes in Mexico w/ same organization, 8 Math Analysis teacher)

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Business
State (if domestic applicant): CA
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: Public
Ethnicity: White
Gender: Female
Income Bracket: Decline to Respond
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Bilingual

Strengths: Bilingual/language passions, family connections to school, essays, strong volunteer work, (relatively) high GPA and ACT
Why you think you were accepted: Essay showed passions and strong scores

Decision: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): 1st time - 1450 (740 RW, 730 M), 2nd time - 1480 (740 RW, 710 M)
SAT II: 700 Literature, 720 Math 1
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.67
AP (place score in parenthesis): Language & Comp (5), US History (4), AB Calc, European History, Literature
Senior Year Course Load: AP Calc AB, AP Euro, AP Lit, Mandarin IV, Psych
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): NMSQT Semifinalist

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Female a cappella group (head), co-ed a cappella group, field hockey, musical, lacrosse, Speech Team
Job/Work Experience: Internship at MA State House
Volunteer/Community service: Walk Avon 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer for past 5 years
Summer Activities: Summer@Brown Public Policy camp
Essays (rating 1-10, details): 9?
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 9
Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details): 10. Teacher, advisor, speech captain. Is in pretty much all aspects of my life
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details): 9. Teacher I know well
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 8

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Political Science
State (if domestic applicant): Massachusetts
School Type: Private
Ethnicity: Asian/White
Gender: Female
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): Mixed race

DECISION: Accepted

SAT I (breakdown): N/A
ACT (breakdown): 32C (33M 34S 30E, 29R)
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.89
Weighted GPA: 4.45
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): 8/210
AP (place score in parenthesis): WH3, US HIST4, Lit 3, Bio 3
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: Calc BC, Physics C AP, Eng AP, PsychAP, Spanish H, Micro
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): Just science fair school winner and regional finalist freshman year.

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Director Operation Snowball, Dominican Ambassador, XC team captain.
Job/Work Experience: volleyball ref
Volunteer/Community service: mostly CCFA, Special Olympics, school service projects
Summer Activities: medical camp LIT
Essays (rating 1-10, details): maybe 8-9
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 9-10

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details): 9 calc teacher I had 2 years
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details): 10 English teacher turned principal
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 10
Additional Rec (if any) (rating 1-10, details):none
Interview (if any) (rating 1-10, details): none

Applied for Financial Aid?:yes
Intended Major: Bioengineering
State (if domestic applicant): IN
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: parochial
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female
Income Bracket:
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): autoimmune disease, visited a lab and met with a research scientist at Rennenbohm hall.

Strengths: positive outlook, strong leadership,
Weaknesses: No science, math clubs or awards
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Strong STEM, possibly underrepresented female??
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: accepted Baylor, Butler, DePaul, Loyola, Purdue, Indiana University. Waiting on UNC, Northwestern, Vanderbilt. No rejections yet.

DECISION: Accepted

ACT (breakdown): 33
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): 3.5
Weighted GPA: 4.35
AP (place score in parenthesis): USH, Calc BC, Pysch, Lang and Comp, French, Stats, Chemistry, Government, Macro Econ
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.): honor roll

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Captain of varsity basketball team, Adviosry board leader volunteering, freshmen mentor, Piano competitions
Essays (rating 1-10, details): common app 10 was about my mothers death affecting life
Why Wisconsin 7 pretty basic af
Goes unnoticed 7 also basic af
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 9-10

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details): 9 Close close teacher
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details): 8 Chem teacher of 2 years
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 10

Applied for Financial Aid?: No
Intended Major: Business
State (if domestic applicant): IL
Country (if international applicant):
School Type: public
Ethnicity: white
Gender: female

Strengths: good leadership, good ACT, hard coarse load
Weaknesses: UW gpa
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: Good essay & ACT score

@zpower99 Call or email to ask, or go ahead and apply but explain within the application that you will have your citizenship by (insert date).

Chancellor’s Scholarship Program
117 Bascom Hall
Madison, WI 53706
Fax: 608.265.3353

Decision: Accepted


ACT (breakdown): 27 + 34 essay
Unweighted GPA (out of 4.0): we dont do these in england but im an a/b student
Weighted GPA: n/a?
Rank (percentile if rank is unavailable): n/a
AP (place score in parenthesis):
IB (place score in parenthesis):
Senior Year Course Load: Cambridge Pre-University History, Cambridge Pre-University History, Philosophy & Ethics
Major Awards (USAMO, Intel etc.):

Extracurriculars (place leadership in parenthesis): Founder/leader of schools FemSoc, run junior debate club/on the debate team, run Amnesty Int. at school, part of 2 orchestras and band, grade 6 clarinet, fencing team, chief scouts gold award, Leiths Professional Cookery Degree in Food and Wine, Duke of Edinburgh Silver, editor of/write for the school magazine, choir leader
Job/Work Experience: work experience at 2 nurseries and Estates Gazette (finance monthly publication in the UK)
Volunteer/Community service: Volunteer at local day care at a church
Summer Activities: n/a
Essays (rating 1-10, details): (I knew because of my poor ACT score I’d need to have really good essays)
Recommendations (rating 1-10, details): 9/10 (see above) because I do only 3 a levels - able to have teachers who know me well and know how to write good recs

Teacher Rec #1 (rating 1-10, details): 9 - favourite English teacher (who adores me) wrote gushingly
Teacher Rec #2 (rating 1-10, details): 10 - able to persuade one of my History teachers that a rec for the USA needed more = better
Counselor Rec (rating 1-10, details): 10 - my personal tutor, though the normal English way is uber-reserved, I was able to get across what was needed
Additional Rec (if any) (rating 1-10, details): n/a
Interview (if any) (rating 1-10, details): n/a

Applied for Financial Aid?: no
Intended Major: double major in History and English
State (if domestic applicant): n/a
Country (if international applicant): England, UK
School Type: private
Ethnicity: latina
Gender: female
Income Bracket: 200 <
Hooks (URM, first generation college, etc.): n/a

Strengths:essays, extracurriculars, recs, minority, international
Weaknesses: ACT SCORES ugh
Why you think you were accepted/waitlisted/rejected: honestly no clue just happy i was accepted
Where else were you accepted/waitlisted/rejected: deferred at Michigan, accepted to Vermont with scholarship and accepted to Massachusetts

General Comments (if any):

Congrats, everyone! Are you getting notification of acceptances by email or somewhere else? Thanks! OOS D still waiting to hear. Have a great day!