University of Wisconsin post boned application acceptance rate

wisco deffered or postboned boned application. I know that with different schools getting deffered is a good sign and means that your somewhat likely getting in, however, with other schools a defferal means virtually nothing and your not going to get in. What is the acceptance rate for postboned applications at University of Wisconsin? Also it seems like some people find out mid- march and others find out late-march is there a specific date or week that most applications are released?

I looked at their common data set where we would normally be able to find that. However, it was inconclusive

edited to add: What is the exact terminology used in your information from them?

I’m thinking OP isn’t using the exact terminology from the letter.

I’m sorry but LOL…from now on, I’m going to use “post boned” when kids are deferred/wait-listed…feels a bit more accurate, doesn’t it.

It is deferred and postponed in case the OP is wondering.

@SouthernHope You have the correct usage. With “postboned” there is a delay before the final insult. “Shafted” is more of an immediate snub.

Oh dear, I’m going to Hell for laughing this hard, but you all are too funny. Everybody in Paris had a good laugh at my high school French last year. I do remember my teacher sharing her own study-abroad story of complimenting her French hosts on the delicious jam “sans preservatifs,” which does not mean without preservatives. It means without condoms.

Haha! Reminds me of the time my 15-year-old sister told our homestay parents in Mexico that she felt “un poco embarazada.”

(That word doesn’t mean “embarrassed”–she said she felt a little bit pregnant!)

the devil is truly in the details- misspellings (plural) by OP.