University sent me a refund check but I’m only taking 3 credits

For this semester, I have a Pell Grant of $2220 but I’m only taking one class (3 credits) as I only need that one class to graduate. I wasn’t expecting any sort of refund but my school has sent me the remaining grant from the $2220. Would I be charged for overpayment? And should I just not cash the check since I feel like I was not supposed to get it?

I think there is an overpayment. because even if you 2200 during the fall semester when you attended full time, you would receive less in the spring term because you are taking less than a full time course load.

Check with your school’s financial aid office. If it is an over payment, you will not receive your degree or any final transcripts or confirmation from employers/grad school that you have successfully completed college until you have repaid this money.

I’ve just spend a good deal of time on my daughter’s account. She switched a class this week, which involved dropping one class and adding another. The added class required a faculty override, and i think that cause the new class not to be added on the same day the class was dropped. They issued a refund and now expect me to repay that amount

Long way of saying if you dropped any classes there may be a miscommunication between the registrar’s office and the cashier’s office. Don’t spend the money.