unlikely chance?

<p>Hi, I'm really nervous because I'm applying to Yale regular decision and I really don't think I'm qualified. Please let me know what you think, I would appreciate it so much.</p>

<p>GPA: unweighted about 3.98, weighted exceeds a 5.0...not exactly sure, though
ACT: 32
APs: AP World History 5, AP US History 5, AP Language and Composition 5, will be taking AP Literature, AP Chinese, AP Calc AB, and AP Photography this May
I'm taking the most challenging classes offered at my school
My school does not rank</p>

<p>Extra-curriculars (lacking, i know):</p>

<p>I dabbled a bit in my school's art club my freshman year, joined Model UN my sophomore year, won various delegation awards. Between my sophomore and junior year I was chosen to be part of a 4 week program intended to improve my chinese skills as part of a U.S. State Department grant...it was only offered to 15 or so students nation-wide. I was later chosen as one of 15 varsity delegates for my school's Model UN Team, took on leadership positions, etc. This past summer I was given a chance to study at a university in China for free for six weeks (also part of a selective program offered to 28 students from the state department) and now i'm nearly fluent. I also have some tutoring/community service...about 100 hours or so (not much). </p>

<p>I go to one of the best public schools in the country.</p>

<p>One of my recs is going to be AMAZING, but the other one I think will be good...not great (I had to ask this teacher last-minute).
I'm pretty happy with my essays, they're about my experience in China and about my experience meeting UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon. </p>

<p>I want to pursue foreign relations/political science and focus on my Chinese skills.</p>

<p>I think you probably have as good a chance as anyone.</p>

<p>I never realized there was a class called AP Photography.</p>

<p>There’s no College Board approved class, but some schools just denote all upper-level classes as ‘AP’ even when there’s no corresponding test.</p>

<p>If you’re rejected, I’ve got no chance. :stuck_out_tongue:
You’re as likely as anyone to get in…it’s an unlikely chance for every applicant.
Unless you are a 2400 recuited legacy URM that cured cancer in 10th grade.</p>

<p>thanks :)</p>

<p>also, I guess AP Photo isn’t an AP as you would think of it conventionally. Instead of taking an exam, I submit my photos to the College Board for evaluation in a portfolio like any other AP art student would. </p>

<p>good luck to everyone else applying</p>

<p>How does your GPA system work? What is a perfect GPA?</p>

<p>Oh that stand like AP Studio not AP Photo lol
I would also like to know how your grading scale works. It sounds similar to mine, though I have received one B and it dropped to a 3.96</p>