<p>Come here to claim your spot as a host for the important threads once decisions letters are out!</p>
<p>I personally will be hosting the What to Bring thread, if I get in anywhere. Also, where ever I get into, I'll start a Countdown to (School Name). Like last year's Countdown to Choate thread, yeah?</p>
<p>Benevolent has the Master List of acceptances, and Tom has the stats thread (list of acceptances PLUS basic stats), as far as I know. Anything else that seems critical?</p>
<p>Last master list was a bit jumbled, done by username. I am looking forward to see who fill be going to the school that I am going to, and I am sure others do too.</p>
<p>Basically you copy from previous post and put your information in this order (under the applicable schools), if the school is not there you start it (Bold, Underline, Italics, red, etc.).</p>
<p>[Username], [Optional: Name (NO LAST NAME)], [Accepted/Denied/Waitlist (Will be in alpha order in A/D/W)], [Plan on attending, serious consideration, out of consideration], [Did you think you were going to get in].</p>
<p>I will put down the whole color coding rules later. Basically it is really easy to see where the CC friends (pedos) are going. Just the basics. I am considering involving a special “name” we can find our other online friends by when we go to the school.</p>
<p>I know HADES, Choate, Taft, Milton and other known schools will pop up on there soon, so I encourage everyone to start listing their schools and meeting people there. I wil lstart it soon!</p>
<p>Verrrrry very detailed, principalviola! In addition to the Master list (which will be listed by username, I think, just for MORE reference), this will be so dang awesome and organized.</p>
<p>I get so nervous just thinking about March 10th…it’s like a foreboding sense of dread. Or impending doom. I really, really, REALLY hope I’ll get an acceptance somewhere.</p>
<p>I’m more of the optimistic type. Like, I’m seriously looking forward to acceptance letters. If I get rejections, I get rejections. But I’d rather look forward than dread something!</p>
<p>Haha Saer, of course I’m excited for acceptance letters. And if I’m rejected, my school right now isn’t so bad. I’m just really nervous, is all (:</p>