Unpaid internshippaid internship that cost money to live in a different city

Daughter has already secured an unpaid internship with a research professor; she has applied for a paid internship in a different city, do not know the outcome yet, but by the time we add the cost of renting in a different city and cost of food etc, this experience equally good but will result in negative income. Third option is a extra summer camp where you pay to attend the summer math camp, I am giving advise to daughter go for local unpaid internship, and see how this pan out, the college where she is doing unpaid scholarship is a very good college. What other thinks

Oops my tablet posted before I finish editing my title of the thread

@CourtneyThurston @thumper what do you think, not into prestige, but more on the line of developing marketable skills for college as well as future employment

It sounds like the costs are comparable. That being the case, I would let DD choose the one she prefers.

I will say…I’m not a fan of unpaid internships…but that’s a whole other story.

Well for a 10th grader, paid internships are hard to get; cost wise we may have to spend 3 to 4 k for food and renting in NY city. When daughter applied for paid internship we did not think she will land any unpaid internship locally as she literally mailed 100s of cold email. anyway paid internship is still not in the beg, and we may have to find a place for her to stay in NY city. Just thinking loudly. Thanks

Paid internships > Unpaid internships > Summer camps > Volunteering (depends, sometimes a tie between the last two)

Personal opinion but seems consistent with admissions and scholarship results in my experience

For the record, my first internship was very poorly paid and resulted in negative income for me because my parents couldn’t support me, and it required me to relocate, so I got some paychecks up front and worked side jobs to cover utilities and such.

But, as horrible as that internship was in terms of quality of life, it was the springboard to much better paying gigs. $1/more an hour for the next one with flights to and from the work location (was working remotely while living with my mom, so no housing expenses which helped a lot), then $10.5/hr more, then $19/hr more, and now $34/hr more than that first gig, two years later.

Soo… it was worth it.

Professor mentioned to her that if she does good work, next Year she will get paid position, but nothing is written in stone. In addition for professor, this is a first high school intern that he is giving break, fingers crossed

@CourtneyThurston Thanks I have been following your journey, and you are a role model for young girls

I’d probably recommend using this position to get a paid position at another place (company preferably) unless she WANTS to do research (grad school as a goal, etc).

Aw thanks :slight_smile:

@thumer your posting are very insightful, could you please eleborate why you do not like unpaid internships. Thanks

Courtney thanks again, your ideas are great

No grad school, just want to jump into business

I thought this was a COLLEGE student…guess not.

That being the case, I would suggest summer work…babysitting, camp counselor, or something like that.

Why don’t I like unpaid internships? Because they are essentially free labor for positions that should at least receive a modest stipend.

And for the record…I would NOT allow a 10th grader to work in a summer position with $0 or negative income.

Who is going to rent out of town to a 10th grader??

Airbnb worked for us. Stayed with a nice lady and her dog in a safe neighborhood. Bought a bus pass. Wasn’t as hard it as it might sound.

I don’t see any reason to do something like babysitting when this kid can land an internship of any kind. Why work a normal job when you could be ahead? Sounds like the family can afford a little negative income so I see no reason not to.

Also I believe the unpaid internship is local per OP’s post, so… no rent? No logistics. Seems like a no-brainer.

A family friend have assured us to host her but have to pay them, just outside city; provided internships comes through,

Thanks Courtney you have provided us a good idea why she does not want to do baby sitting or job, why she should pursue her dream to work with Other graduate students. Thanks again

No more summer camp where you pay money to go there, thanks for clarifying it as I see your logic, thanks again