Update: may have failed physics about to have nervous breakdown

while my weighted senior year gpa is on par with the previous three years of high school, I may have failed physics after taking a long and difficult final exam today. I am so scared that now i have a serious problem even tho it had little effect on my gpa due to my senior year being my most rigorous course work. I dont believe I need physics to graduate but Im so scared bing will pull my acceptance because of it even tho i plan to study political science. What do you guys think?!

don’t panic. You’re going to be okay.

first wait to see what your grade is.

Then how it averages in.

In all probability it’s not as bad as you think. Often these tests are curved. Or you did better than you think.

But don’t worry. You’ll be okay.

Did you talk to others in your class? Maybe most other students feel the same way, and the curve will save you.