UPenn Admissions Fall 2022

What is this? And how can u see it?

I have that service, but you can only see up to today and the previous 6 days.

I dont have anything on it but there is a button for packages, and it shows future packages.

What is this talk about shipments and ups ?

It’s a service provided by the USPS (US Postal Service) which shows a snapshot of all the mail that will be delivered today. They will also sometimes tell you that there is another piece of mail but we don’t have a picture of it.

However, I am only able to see what’s being delivered up to today (so for 7 days) not for tomorrow, 4/2.

I wouldn’t believe the person who says she can see that it’ll be delivered tomorrow and it’s being shipped today. That’s not how the service works.

Decisions will be out in less than 2 hours. Just relax till then.

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1,5 hours left

1 hour good luck peeps

Is it for sure 7pm est?


I wasn’t going to say anything - I didn’t want to jinx it - but we too had an unknown package sent from Philly that appeared on Informed Digest. And it just showed up like five minutes ago!

It was a boxful of awesome swag from Swarthmore! Did you get accepted to Swarthmore too, by chance?


45 minutes peeps

Never heard about this with boxes and mail. So new for me, but I’m international so not happening here

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Guys Yale just totally messed up their portal :sob:

y’all are freaking out for no reason. they didn’t send the ED students any packages. chill



Good Luck!

basically they notified some people of their decision already…when they log on to their portal it shows a checklist and the items are admitted student interest form and bulldog day or something similar

im surprised they made such a big mistake

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Oh, my!


Wow. Mine doesn’t have the mistake. The checklist is deactivated. Maybe that means a rejection…