UPenn Fall 2020 Transfer Thread


rejected! cant believe this

rejected. congrats to those who got in (if anyone did? lol)

Accepted students are likely celebrating

Congrats, Duke is a fantastic school! I’m on the waitlist but I doubt they take off of it.

@HarmanB Haha thanks! Don’t lose hope; I hope you get off the waitlist and come to Durham!

I was rejected for the DMD program.

Accepted into CAS with a 3.61 GPA

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Accepted! But have already committed to Stanford :slight_smile: Penn is a brilliant school and I hope one of you get my spot!

@RejectionMan are you a traditional applicant?

@nickvader7 yessir, traditional from a 4 year

I hope so too! Especially since a lot of students are deferring enrollment due to COVID, I’m hoping schools will take more students off of the waitlist than previous years.

Rejected CAS! Congrats to everyone who got in!


Rejected CAS ???

In addition to Accepted/Rejected, could you all post your application credentials so we know more content of the applications?

Have you actually received any rejections?

What are your application credentials?

Accepted CAS! does anyone know about a facebook group?

Accepted to the School of Nursing! If anyone else is nursing let me know!