Urgent! anyone get a passage on Michel de Montaigne on todays test?

<p>didn't see this mentioned on cc yet. did anyone get a cr passage written by michel de montaigne, french artist or philosopher (something like that)? </p>

<p>he was talking about writing an autobiographies and introspection.</p>

<p>it was pretty hard, so im hoping its one of the experimental ones. (i know for sure i got 4 cr sections.). if its not exp, well, then i need cancel the test.</p>

<p>i think it was like this:
korean mother's hand
the autobiography thing
privacy and technology</p>

<p>i got it. i think it wasn’t an experimental. but don’t take my word for it. search the other threads and see.</p>

<p>I did not get that one. I share everything with you, except for that one. It’s probably experimental.</p>

<p>i hope so…i still cant find a definite answer on cc lol.</p>

<p>hmm i got the exact same format as you. i was mad when i had to do 2 cr sections in a row lol.</p>

<p>i got korean mothers hand, navigation, and privacy and technology but NOT the autobiography thing so its probably experimental</p>