Urgent Help for Starting College Applications

I have resolved all my NX grade except 1 which I am nearly done with. As for my AP classes, I will have taken 10 in total by the end of senior year: AP HUG, AP Lit, APUSH, AP Chem, AP Physics 1, AP Biology, AP CS, AP Calc, AP Physics C Mechanics, AP Physics E&M.

5 on all of them.


Have you taken all of these courses or did you just sit for the exams (I know you said this earlier upstream)?

Sitting for the exam and getting a 5 will not hold the same weight as sitting in the class.

With such a low percentage of students taking AP Physics at your school they programmed you for 3AP physics classes? It sounds like a crazy schedule (hence the name Stressed out high)

good luck to you. take a moment to breathe and to have some self care.

One of my kids wanted to, but couldn’t take AP Spanish Lit, since it wasn’t offered at our high school - although it was offered at the town’s other high school, probably since they had a larger proportion of Hispanic students at that high school. Didn’t stop the kid - they instead took a 300 level Spanish lit class (in Spanish) at our local state U, and the next semester took a graduate school class in Spanish literature, did very well. Parents don’t speak Spanish. So it most definitely IS possible for a kid who is interested in foreign language to take AP Spanish lit after having taken AP Spanish language. Of course, that kid then went on to do linguistics and foreign language, so I guess that kid qualified under the burning desire category.

I didn’t say it was not possible. I meant the course, as structured, was hell on wheels. AP Spanish Lit has a prescribed and very extensive reading list, which could be a breeze for heritage learners, but was a lot for the rest of us. And I took upper level Spanish courses in college with less required reading.

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You’re right: the # of seating available for physics made it unavailable for me to take the course so I have self-taken the AP exams. I already had an AP science elective (AP Bio), so my guidance counselor advised against taking another AP science course. I am planning to take the US Physics Olympiad this year and qualifying: I was very close to cutoff last year.

How many clssses have you taken vs just self studying for the tests ?

You need to get your state schools done asap. B4 the deadline in case any issues. What I don’t know
for example
is there less advantage applying RD than EA ? It doesn’t say on SUNY B FAQ but at some schools it’s like that.

Only 44% at NYU get aid. On average they get $37k or 67%. I know some are saying nyu is now meeting need which it is for 2025 and they hope to continue for the future but they’ve not yet formally announced or at least that I could find. The mention is specific to 2025 and is the nyu newspaper. I don’t see it on the formal website although maybe it’s there.

Also some colleges that have gone on to meet need have also gone to need aware from need blind in admission. No clue what nyu is doing but it’s something you need to watch for. I know they were need blind b4. Need aware could greatly hurt you. They do this do their $$ can cover more.

You are applying RD, not ED. I’m glad you love your chances and perhaps It’s likely you get in. But it’s not the safety RD you think and you don’t know how they will come aid wise. Ten colleges look at a css and give ten different answers.

For 2025 they expected the new policy to increase aid from 36k to 47k on average.

Even if you get in, can you afford to go ?

You need more safeties
including some that may offer a full ride like a Bama (if you qualify for housing). I know others have mentioned New Mexico. I’m sure there are others.

Yes you need to go down in selectivity
in my opinion. You have great awards, qualifications and maybe you are sought after and that’s awesome. But at schools you like, including NYU, you are not uncommon.

Like others, I’m concerned you could get blanked. I would not wait for last minute on your state schools.


Hey everyone,

Quick update on everything. I recently took the AIME exam and already currently informal, I am fairly confident I qualified for USAMO. The problem is official results won’t come out until the third week of March, and I want to inform MIT of my USAMO qual (results is 3/14). How can I send an update letter w/ this (informal) academic achievement?

You can inform them of your scores. They know them well enough to know if you are in the range for USAMO.

Do NOT claim USAMO unless you have received official notification.


I am actually 20 points above the USAMO cutoff, but I am worried my index is technically unofficial so they won’t take them.

First of all, congratulations!

Second, USAMO cutoff scores vary by year. Has it been calculated for 2022, or are you basing it on past cutoffs?

You can’t
until you get the official notification.

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It has been calculated for 2022. I have an index of 250+ which I think is more than enough for USAMO qualification.

Thank you very much!

Once you have your official AIME score, you can update MIT with that, and calculate your index. You can also mention the unofficial USAMO cutoff. However, you cannot claim USAMO.


The USAMO index has NOT been calculated for 2022 yet. AIME I was only yesterday, but I fully understand why you believe you made the cutoff. The USAMO index has a certain range and once your score is high enough, well, you know.

Wait till you can double check your AIME answers on the AoPS boards and then write an update to MIT. Tell them that you haven’t received your official scores yet, but based on your answers you believe your AIME score will be xxx and your combined score would be xyz. Also note that you will be happy to confirm once you receive your official AIME score.

And congrats on making USAMO!