Urgent Help for Starting College Applications


Please read this thread. This extremely well qualified student applied to some very top schools…but no real sure thing the first time. He wasn’t accepted anywhere…took a great gap year and was subsequently accepted to MIT as well as all the other new applications he submitted (was denied admission to two repeat applications). He matriculated and graduated from MIT.

But that happy ending came only after enduring all rejections his senior year in high school.

But please read his story…it’s a must read for anyone applying to top schools only.


Where are you with the SUNY SB, Bing, and Buff apps?


Please exercise caution with NYU. While it is admirable that NYU is now claiming that it will meet full need from this point forward, that is simply a headline without any concrete action to back it up until this year’s admissions cycle is complete. NYU has historically been one of the top ranking schools in another metric, the amount of debt per student, and has been known for gapping. It is not clear how they will actually implement their promise to meet full need, and their NPC is still not very transparent. Nothing wrong with applying regular decision, but it would not be wise for a student needing substantial aid to make a high-stakes bet on early decision there.


Also from the article cited above on NYU’s new practice:

"The university has not yet made a formal announcement of the change in its financial aid policy. NYU webpages mentioning financial aid continue to refer to the university’s previous policy. "


“According to Beckman, the university has not decided whether it will expand the new policy to cover current students not in the class of 2025. If it does, financial aid packages for these students would likely increase.”

They are tweeting about doing this now, but a low-income student needs a steady four-year commitment and an official policy.


When you start thinking of ED, don’t think NYU.
In addition, if rankings matter, there are higher ranked universities that would meet your full need. :slight_smile:


Just remember that “meet full need” can include schools that are need aware, and schools that include loans in the aid package, or both.


I second this ABSOLUTELY. You sound a little unready for the entire experience from the maturity standpoint. If you were, you would have been on it last year. That’s okay! If Covid taught us anything, it is to be adaptable. As an Asian mom myself with immigrant parents, I was in your shoes 40 years ago. Some things never change. I can only imagine the pressure you are under. With your aspirations, taking a gap year may get you closer to what you aspire to. There are several solid colleges that have rolling admissions, that may be an option as well.

The gap year: my DD21 is doing this. Best decision ever. She is working, traveling, pursuing personal passions and saving a ton of money. She will be ready to go to a school that she loves next fall.

The most important takeaway for us as a family: there is no rule that you have to go as soon as you graduate. In fact, it might serve you well to take some time and do it the way that will get you what you want. If you are committed to going to college, you will go. No test score, AP exam or GPA will make up for maturity and drive.

Do NOT take on debt for yourself or your parents. At your income level you will have options that my full pay kid does not. Research them. My nieces found $50K in scholarships that with that plus financial aid as a first gen student enabled them to graduate from Santa Clara debt free.

Good luck.


Sometimes you have to be willing to go off of the grid and not look at the usual suspects.

Have you considered Colgate? I know that many people don’t look at LACs when it comes to STEM. It is a small but growing department were you will get a lot of individualized attention and a lot of opportunities.

It may also be a financially feasible opportunity for your family. You may stand a great chance of be admitted because every one is not running there for CS.

Colgate University - Computer Science

have you considered Brandeis?
Brandeis Computer Science


You don’t have to take a gap year because your applications aren’t done yet. You still have time and you have a school break coming up. You can do it.


SUNY schools are may not offer him coverage for room and board, even if he were to get full tuition. This is why a CUNY school that he can commute to is his financial safety. Certainly, he should also apply to a SUNY school or two, since it may be his next best option, financially. But he is likely to get a full ride from T20 schools, if he gets in. So his best bet is to apply to his best CUNY option, his best SUNY option, and then a bunch or well-endowed reaches, since he has the stats to have a chance, and because they are likely to give him a full ride, unless his parents FAFSA and CSS reveal something that make the schools question his eligibility for financial aid.

A gap year won’t change any of this. It’s a really bad idea for this student.

OP, sometimes all you need is the help of someone else who has great executive functioning skills to get you started on the task. Do you have any friends who are organized and have the time to help you get started? Once you get going, it may all flow easily.


Not necessarily a bad idea, depends on what OP can accomplish in the next 3 weeks wrt his applications. A gap year would allow OP to apply thru QB, which could be pivotal, even if he doesn’t match to a school (but he would be a competitive candidate).


My anecdotal observations in recent years are that the OP, as an ORM, may not match well via QB.

He doesn’t have to match to reap the benefits of QB. I know plenty of ORMs who have been finalists and/or matched over the last several years. One well known poster, hkimpossible, became an unmatched finalist as an ORM.

ETA: ORMs tend to do better with the QB LACs.


Based on everyone’s input, I think I have a clear idea of what to do. I am almost done with my FAFSA (finishing it tonight) and will be completing the CSS profile shortly.

I am not a National Merit Scholar or anything like that. I think it is given to high scoring PSAT/SAT people, but I never applied for it.

Most of the comments recommended me to apply to the SUNY/CUNY schools. With so many schools, which one should I apply for?

I think the 3 best schools in their system is Stonybrook, Bing, and Buffalo. I read somewhere that Buffalo offers stem scholarship.


I completed 2/3 of my 3 AP exams this week. I have a social studies project due around 15th, but I am completing it early today so I can use the rest of my time working on college apps.

Also, I was wondering if there are any users here who can help me in the actually writing process of these essays (both personal & supplemental).

Another user posted this link which contains all colleges that offer 100% financial aid. My plan is 2-3 SUNY/CUNY schools & 2-3 additional safety schools before working on the schools like UChicago and MIT that is also on the list.

I’ve wrote down a list of all the recommended schools other users have mentioned. Which schools should be prioritized (besides SUNY/CUNY)? Also, which schools in that linked website URL do you guys recommend?

As some of the other users have pointed out, I’m hoping my various academic olympiads can make me somewhat competitive in the more single-digit selective school. However, I would like some help on writing the personal and supplemental essay. Please let me know if you can help or know anyone else that can.

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Do a little bit of internet research, but it looks as if in CUNY, CCNY and Queens College are best for Comp Sci. SUNY: Stonybrook, Buffalo, Binghamton, Albany, and Potsdam. You would get into every CUNY and SUNY to which you apply.

The private schools are a whole different category. You might get into some of the most selective, that would probably give you a full ride. You probably would get into slightly less selective schools that also would have decent fin aid. You would surely get into most schools that have acceptance rates of 30% or higher, and as the selectivity goes down, you might get a combination of merit aid and fin aid that would rival the fin aid you’d get at T20 schools.

For private schools not too far from home, Columbia, Penn, Drexel. A little farther, RPI, WPI, RIT. Take a look at this list, for some ideas. https://www.collegefactual.com/majors/computer-information-sciences/computer-science/rankings/top-ranked/


If you can commute to SUNY Stony Brook, it’s your absolute safety. If you can’t commute, apply to SB but add CCNY. Then add SUNY Bing and SUNY Buffalo. Since you’re lower income, you should get a fee waiver and the application is very easy.
Once you’re done with the SUNY apps (and CCNY if necessary), start reading about Williams – in case you haven’t heard of it, it’s an elite college with a powerful alumni network, top-notch math/CS, where you would NOT be considered ORM and where your math background would be valued. Start reading their website. Join their mailing list.

Do you want a broad, mandatory core (classics, philosophy, etc?) If so, Columbia and UChicago are a good choice, and you could add Harvey Mudd. If you DON’T want a core curriculum but rather the ability to choose various courses in different areas of knowledge, then these two universities aren’t the right fit.

If you’re interested in CS and business, look into the Jerome Fisher program at Penn. Also look into their NETS program.

Run the NPC on WPI: is it affordable?


Stony Brook offers a dedicated cs honors program

Stony Brook application deadline is Jan 15. The honors application is due on Jan 15 as well which gives you a bit of extra time.


PM’ing you


For the CUNY’s, Brooklyn College has one of the largest CS departments in the area. Worth a look.