<p>Hello everyone,</p>
<p>My name is Spencer and I was originally accepted as a transfer student from Penn State University to New York University. Here is the background to my question.</p>
<p>I was previously at the Smeal Business School at PSU and was doing quite well. I transfered to NYU however for the obvious reasons - name recognition, academics, opportunities, NYC, etc. However, unfortunately I got into the CAS school at NYU. Originally I wasn't too dissatisfied because I figured I could major in a business related field, such as economics and maybe take a minor in finance.</p>
<p>However, I plan to go to law school in the future. The more I read, the more it seems that I would be better off at a state school where perhaps the academics are easier which could boost my GPA, and be much cheaper. So here are a few questions that I have.</p>
<p>1) Is there a major difference between the Stern economics and the CAS economics, especially when it comes to internships. Are CAS economic majors looked down upon?</p>
<p>2) Would I be better off at a fairly good state school with a good business program, or at NYU studying economics since PSU may be easier but NYU is a more prestigious school?</p>
<p>3) I plan to work a couple years before going to law school. Do you think PSU business or NYU liberal would score me a better job?</p>
<p>4) What would you do?</p>
<p>Considering I just put in my deposit it NYU but still can cancel the check within a couple days, a response would be extremely appreciated. Thanks for the help.</p>