Urgent, quick question about Leopold!!!

Is Leopold mainly freshmen? What is the breakdown percentages be class (ie freshmen 40%, sophmores 20%…)?

I don’t think they give out that information. I could be wrong, though.

In recent years all dorms with freshmen have at least 50% freshmen. Recent trends have most freshmen in Res Halls with sophomores next and few juniors and seniors. However, since returning residents get to choose before incoming students the “best”/most popular rooms will be taken by them. Therefore in a dorm liked by returning students there could be floors/houses with fewer freshmen as the freshmen could get the least desirable rooms within a dorm. Don’t worry- more freshmen than any others in dorms taking freshmen. You won’t be stuck being a lonely only. It can be nice to have some returning students around for information.

btw- after first semester class standing varies a lot depending on AP credits earned- some second semester freshmen will technically be sophomores et al.