<p>so i just got back from lunch and i received some messages from a friend: </p>
.com says:
.com says:
ursa has a bug right now
.com says:
so you can sign up for all your classes
.com says:</p>
<p>i just signed up for all my 2nd pass classes. what's going on? (my 2nd pass is july 9th)</p>
<p>DAMN! </p>
<p>I just did it. Awesome.</p>
<p>i trust that we can keep these secrets within the realm of CC.</p>
<p>Sorry, I already told my apartment mates. And they called others, too.</p>
<p>Damn! This is crazy, haha. I wonder if the powers that be will do anything to fix what they've caused.</p>
<p>sucks for the people who hear about this too late and have all their classes filled by the end of today..</p>
<p>oh well!</p>
<p>does this also mean that freshman who haven't attended orientation yet can sign up?</p>
<p>or do they need the OC to like...activate their accounts?</p>
<p>who cares. they're freshman.</p>
<p>naw my friend (incoming freshmen) tried it and it didn't work for him.</p>
<p>lol i just signed up for 18 units.
told three of my friends (well, one of them is emm, she's CC anyway lol)</p>
<p>this is so epic. CC FTW!!!</p>
who cares. they're freshman.
<p>okay yeah you're right.</p>
July 7, 2008, 2:16am
<p>Haha thanks MIC. Yay for the CC UCLA forum. :D</p>
<p>darn. i really want the hiphop fiat lux, and it didn't work for that :(</p>
<p>sweet, I just hope they don't screw these classes over later</p>
<p>signed up for all the classes woohoo, 17 units is gonna kill me again lol... 4 straight days of 8 am finals... but will we get in trouble for this?</p>
July 7, 2008, 2:55am
<p>Thanks! I was freaking out about this.</p>
July 7, 2008, 3:34am
<p>no idea how they would decide to fix this, unless they track the order in which you enroll in classes and they could take out the last ones you enrolled in</p>
<p>didn't work for me :(</p>
<p>are you a freshmen? or returning student?</p>
July 7, 2008, 4:03am
<p>My friend said it was patched at around 12-12:15-ish</p>
July 7, 2008, 4:08am
<p>Yeah... Looks like they fixed the bug. I tried to add some random class and it didn't work.</p>