USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

Yes internationals get the box for sure, but certainly find out via portal first in this round… This is a very unique process that is a long time tradition for USC. Agree, most don’t take the time or expense to do this anymore.

Son was pretty nonplussed about his silver cylinder. I know he would not prefer a few extra days of uncertainty just to find out “the old-fashioned way”. But everyone’s different, of course.

He isn’t planning on taking USC up on any potential offer at this point, just mildly curious to see what happens.

Many schools still send nice acceptance packages. Caltech’s included a letter personally signed in orange marker by their Director of Undergraduate Admissions (they admit so few they can swing it). They just do it after announcing the decisions online. So it is not about time and expense necessarily.

just checked my portal—there’s a section there now that wasn’t there before that says “Fall 2020 Admit Reply Form,” and if i click on it, it leads me to a place to decline or accept my offer of admission—does everyone have this? does this mean i’m in? haven’t gotten my mail yet today, and i’m in the 2-day zone.

In my portal, it has a link that says “Fall 2020 admit reply form” under the required section. When I click on it, it asks me if I accept or decline USC’s offer of admission. However, I don’t see my offer of admission but was wondering why I have this link.
Does everyone have this link in their portal??

@spelledwithak I also have the link. Not sure if everyone has it though. I’m not from California and have not received any mail yet (mailman also has not come).

No link in son’s profile.

So much for “USC is too smart for that”. Hehehe.

Are you out of state?

@TheVulcan Maybe you aren’t looking in the right place. I found it under the forms section and it’s listed as required.

I don’t have that form either omg

@ratonthesubway are you sure you’re looking in the right place? I found it under the forms section and it’s listed as required. I’m also not from Cali

yea if u have it u got in. i dont got it either

Yeah, I’m looking under the right place. I think you got in!!! congrats if you did :slight_smile:

@hehehaha, yes, OOS, perfect stats, national and international STEM awards, admitted to MIT, Caltech, and Georgia Tech CS (as Stamps semifinalist).

Nothing but affidavit under Forms, which is just as well, as we weren’t planning to pursue in any case.


I don’t have the form. I’m thinking that USC really messed up this time with all their push for secrecy and surprise. Congrats to everyone who does!!

Vulcan, my daughter would be thrilled with MIT. We have to wait till Mar 14 to find out. Congrats.

can someone post a screenshot of where the form would be? i’m torturing myself by going on the portal to check

hi! NJ over here (2 day zone) and i don’t have the link. my college counselor believes I am unlikely to receive a merit scholarship, so not a surprise. I have great EC’s and leadership positions. For where my stats fall in comparison to the 2019-2020 freshman data, my SAT is above last year’s middle 50% for applicants, and within the middle 50% for admits. GPA is within middle 50% of applicants but below middle 50% of admits (kid with similar but slightly worse stats & ECs was admitted from my school last year- and I took harder classes than he did). i applied to marshall w/ hopes of doing BCA. congrats to those who got in <3

It’s right above the big heading that says Application Checklist

Received the white box yesterday and there is no additional form or change to our portal yet.