USC Class of 2024 Applicants Thread

No we have 2 teacher recommenders uploaded for other schools on the Common App. Does your son have NO teacher recommender at all? Since USC only asks for teacher evaluation, and other recommenders are not teachers, he would need to ask his teachers write him LOR then his school counselor can send them directly to USC.

@mavian Yes he had two teachers he could have used. He did assign one teacher but wanted his other optional to come from his boss who is a USC Alumni. USC requests no more than 3 letters of recommendation so he has his counselor, one teacher and hopefully his boss. Just hope they receive it and upload to his file. He mailed it almost two weeks ago and it it hasn’t showed as “Received” on his portal yet. He emailed his admissions counselor and she said his file was complete and needed to do nothing more but she didn’t answer his specific question as to if they received the document. Oh well I guess. It is what it is…

Hmm the comment you made @kmacrna that ‘He mailed it almost two weeks ago and it it hasn’t showed as “Received” on his portal yet.’ concerned me because my daughter’s portal doesn’t mention any LORs specifically. I see the following mentioned specifically as received:

Common App
USC Supplement
High School Transcript

Can anyone confirm, should it specifically say that LORs have been received if they were submitted through Naviance? Thanks.

@CAtransplant - you are correct that there is not an option to upload via the applicant portal - only the options noted above. We were told from admissions that he could upload two optional teachers via common app and any other LOR needed to be mailed directly to admissions. don’t know about Naviance…

@kmacrna thanks for the reply. But what I am asking is does anyone know whether, if LORs have been received that would specifically be mentioned in the portal? @WWWard or @CADREAMIN do you know? Because they should have received two that were submitted on my daughter’s behalf but I don’t see anything mentioned.

@CAtransplant my dd had her teachers submit her LORs through Naviance. Her applicant portal does not specifically make a notation of receiving LORs, just the Common App. However, on the Common App, it shows USC downloaded her LORs, so you could have your child check the Common App site to make sure those were downloaded.

@amsunshine ah, ok thank you!

@CAtransplant I also recall it only being through the common application… but our experiences were for 2014 and 2017.

On Common Ap, you can log on and see that the school downloaded the LOR. Not sure if the same goes for Naviance.

On a similar note, College Board shows scores were sent but portal does not show they were received. Does anyone know how long it takes to update in the portal?

@lkg4answers my daughter’s portal does show ACT/SAT scores as received but I don’t recall how long it took to show that - in fact, we sent them early before the application was even submitted since my daughter knew she was applying there. And as several pointed out one can do, we checked the Common App and it does show the LORs downloaded.

@lkg4answers we ordered the scores on 9/18 and the portal shows “received on 9/20”. Granted it was way before application traffic.

The optional 2 besides the GC both need to come from teachers. They don’t consider other recommender at all. This is what’s listed on the Common App:

Teacher Evaluation(s): 0 Required, 2 Optional
Other Evaluation(s): Not Applicable

Since he submitted his app with just one teacher recommendation at the time USC downloaded the app, it might have moved to the complete app file. If the teacher LOR was required, he wouldn’t have been able to submit. From what I heard, admission officers don’t consider extra materials not required on the app, especially letters from alumni.

Just chiming in to say our dd’s portal also shows scores received (but we sent ours early as well – in Sept).

Hey guys
I submitted my usc application a couple weeks ago and im noticing that the applicant portal does not say something like “your application is complete” like many other schools will do. I called them to make sure it was all good and they said that in a couple days it would say that it was complete and I’d get an email to log in to youSC. That was two weeks ago and no email. My commonapp, supplement, and test scores say “recieved” but the whole portal does not say my application is complete. Anyone else in the same situation, or has gotten a completion notification and youSC login?

That does not sound right. You should have gotten, or will get, an email for you to “affirm your application” after you submit it. If you have not gotten that email, there should be a link on your portal which you can click on to submit the affirmation. You should see an application checklist in your application portal that has checkmarks by items received and it will say “awaiting” for items not received. You will also be able to click on a link to financial aid and check on the status of those documents. That’s all that we know of.

What is “youSC”? My son can log on to his applicant portal but it is not the youSC. His checklist say complete but no link to financial aid. And where do you see the link to financial aid? Sorry for all the questions!

It should be in the right hand corner of the application portal.

Hey guys,
I am a bit worried for my GPA (it is on the lower end, but the high school I go to is ranked in the top 5 private HS in the US)
I am happy with my ACT, but was wondering how much can the USC Supplements help influence the decision?
It is one of my top choices and have expressed a lot of interest in the school.

Did anyone else receive an email titled “Financial Aid Resources for Prospective Students”? Wondering if every applicant received it or if it’s a good sign!

I didn’t receive it.