USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

My financial aid portal says, “Financial aid summaries for new freshman will be released at the end of March.” This leads me to believe they are putting together financial aid packages for accepted students now, so they can provide it with the acceptance letter. They know who they’ve accepted at this point. I don’t believe they’d be asking for additional docs in late March for those who they’ve denied admission.


The do not send financial aid info with acceptance letter. It comes 4-7 days after acceptances go out. That line has been on portals for years when results came out on 22-24th. It doesn’t line up with this years schedule, I would expect FA first week April or later depending if all info in.

Having said all this, and regardless of all the banter we are told of it being separate, at this stage in the game, I would find it hard not to think it’s a good thing.


Wishing they had a dark-mode on CC with all of the browsing I do at night on CC :confounded:


That’s what my son’s letter said, 800.

Got into UCSD and UCSB but rejected from UCLA (and Berkeley it seems). Likely doesn’t bode well for USC. Unfortunate, as it would’ve been the most affordable option for me :confused:

what time do the merit scholarship decisions come out on april 1st?

Do you have confirmation it is April 1? I hadn’t heard that.

Yeah they posted on their instagram

my friend who applied early to dartmouth was sent a personal question abt her finaid docs and got in 2 days later (it was apparently a really good sign that she got that email as according to the internet lol)


Thanks, I see it on Twitter too. I would guess at night for us(we’re on the east coast) like the original email but who knows. I thought we were finding out this week.

As an international, I’ve been issued a 10-digit USC ID, is that a good sign or not?

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ID is ID, there is no sign as you were assigned the number even before they looked at anything from your application. I believe this is the workflow.

did anyone get an email asking for financial aid documents like today or recently. why are they asking for it so late, i thought i was done w all this financial aid stuff ugh

It’s probably a good sign. But did you get same request form other schools you applied or did you receive FA from other schools without having to supply any additional documentation? I’m asking because we didn’t receive anything, I’m trying to figure out whether that means a rejection lol, or just that we’ve sent everything they need.

I’m trying to figure that out too. It’s confusing because 4 schools including USC have asked for extra documents regarding my FAFSA these past two weeks. U Rochester sent a similar email a week before I got accepted. However, WashU never asked for any extra forms and I already received my financial aid letter. I still hope it means something good though!

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They actually posted on twitter that it is 3/30

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Merit decisions are for those that interviewed for scholarships - those are April 1st.

Regular decisions are March 30th.

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yeah i did get a request from occidental college back in february (which i assume they needed for admissions cuz they have need-aware admissions and also cuz i forgot to include something in my idoc) but i dont rlly know if its an indicator for anything. it does say “2019 tax returns for VERIFICATION” so it might be FAFSA verification? i dont know how that works cuz i didnt receive a verification from other schools (i honestly have no idea what FAFSA verification is or how its done so dont quote me on that)

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If USC is aware that I have an external scholarship and won’t have to worry about FA, would they need to ask me for additional docs like they’ve been asking others or should I just not stress over it? Whoever is being asked for additional docs has likely been accepted but I haven’t been asked for anything and they definitely know that I have a full ride scholarship if accepted so I’m not sure if I should cut my losses now or what :confused:

Additional Info is just for them to get information about your financial situation. I submitted my FAFSA super early and got requests for this stuff back in December. I’m gonna guess that they’re just backed up right now ¯_(ツ)_/¯

This has nothing to do with admission. They are on separate paths.