USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I am being asked for my familys 2020 tax returns but we have not yet filed them. My apologies if this has been answered but when would the deadline for these documents be? Thanks!

deadline for the FAST portal^

That’s what I meant, they are there for everyone, doesn’t mean anything

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The general consensus is to send in any documents they request from you as soon as possible so that they can finish any calculation and verification they need and give you your aid quicker.

However, the FAO states that you should:

Provide copies of tax returns or any other additional documents or information requested by the Financial Aid Office within 10 business days of the request.


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Cool thanks!

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Now only I am noticing that I have only 4 items under checklist. Is it something odd or normal. How about School report, Teacher/Counselor recommendation, School transcript etc?

     Status	               Details	                      Date
Received	Common Application	11/26/2020
Received	USC Supplement	11/27/2020
Received	SAT/ACT Score Report	12/08/2020
Received	Mid Year Transcript	01/23/2021

Some schools choose which items show where on the checklist. Some go into a ton of detail, others not so much. Rest assured if they have your Common Application (which it’s stated that they have received), they have everything, and if not, they would’ve asked you by now to send whatever would be missing.

Thanks, that makes sense. School has sent all the docs that they asked. Lets hope for the best.

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International applicants - has anyone been issued a USC ID?

Have you checked your FAST portal? Even if you don’t apply for aid, you can check.

Maybe you are confusing USC portal with some other schools, like Boston College portal that has AO’s picture.

you can find it in USC fast system, next to your name if you didn’t apply for fin aid

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is it strange that I received a letter from the fin aid office with someone I spoke to today, re-introducing herself and further asking me to submit new info asap? She hand wrote it specific to our conversation earlier and says its urgent.

Odd but if it’s urgent, send it in!

Was it a physical letter or an email? Regardless, it’s clear something came up and you need to send them new info! :man_shrugging: no way to tell which way this swings since the FAO and Office of Admission are on two separate paths right now.

Not strange at all. You discussed your file, she saw something more missing after you spoke, and asked you to send it in. They need to finish any files they can regardless if student admitted or not. After acceptances, people then realize they want aid or decide to finally turn stuff in (like FAFSA, CSS, required info they didn’t send in till accepted), so they want to close what they can now, to focus on that mess after acceptances. But it’s never a bad thing to hear from them this close to admissions - makes your heart race a little faster, eh? Good luck!

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It was in email form. Not sure what this may mean… don’t want to get hopes up but does the fin aid office maybe get a list of students accepted a few days before decisions are sent out? This might be a stretch but its making me anxious!


Never know! But, reassuring to know that at the least your FA file is at least being touched at the moment if anything. In general it seems like this month has been hectic for the FAO with all of the students I’ve been hearing getting document requests from them.

Probably me thinking too much, but just wanted remind you guys to always double check the email address of the sender and make sure the it was really from USC and not a scammer before you send anything.


It’s a stretch to think that. They are reviewing a lot of files, nothing to do with acceptance at this point, truly…but here’s hoping!

I think it was 800 merit this year