USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

@CADREAMIN My D’s friend who is a freshman at USC received her white package a week ago. She was admitted last march. :+1:


So I guess the possibility for packages going out this year is still pretty up in the air :thinking: but glad to see students are getting theirs.

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My guess, and it’s really just a guess, is USC will mail the packages this week and the portal change will be this weekend.

Can someone please attach a link to the applicant portal. For some reason my DD cannot login.


I agree that we will prob get decisions by the end of this week but are we sure about the packages?

did someone had an interview already?? or is it just for the scholarships?

@bay999 Yay, so glad to hear that! White boxes are back! Thanks for sharing that info. :smiley:

Sounds like they just sent last year’s packages out, so I think they have a setup or and outside contractor to make them.

yay! sounds good! I was just a bit confused because the instagram page specifically said email and not package

@SkiingIsLife Applicants hear this week if they are going to be interviewed for one of the larger scholarships. If you receive notification that you are being considered for a scholarship (traditionally via a gorgeous white box, but unsure if those are being mailed this year, but they also do email/portal update), it also means that you have been accepted (so that hurdle is behind you). You just don’t know the financial scholarship until after you interview, which happens mostly in later Feb. Last year, the results of that interview came out at the same time for all scholarship recipients just after regular decision (March 27). Other years they have come out right before RD. RD tends to be around March 24th. Either way, toward end of March.

If you are not a scholarship recipient (50,000+ are NOT getting a scholarship) you will get an email in your portal that basically says, “thanks for playing, no scholarship, and we will let you know if you are accepted in March.”

There are other scholarships received separately during the RD timeframe, but they are way fewer and much smaller in dollars - they tend to be the organizational or departmental awards people apply for separately and maybe some Deans (1/4), depending when and if they choose to give those. There’s also Associates for 18k, but just 10 of those. The ones given in March are a nice ribbon, but don’t make the dent that the ones given in this early round can make.


Are we certain that they’ll release the scholarship decisions this week because I heard some people say it could be next week as well

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Can someone confirm

  1. there are only 1000-1200 applicants will be considered (invited for interview) with scholarships and about half of them will get the scholarship in April?
  2. there will be no rejection in this email round?
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there is no way to be sure, but I highly predict that it will be. A lot of people are saying the 10th, but the problem with that is that it is in the middle of the week whereas USC tends to send results over the weekend.


Here’s the link :slight_smile:

Does anyone know if National Merit scholars are given a huge plus in the merit scholarship decision. I was just wondering because i know they get half tuition at USC anyway just for being NMF?

They generally get half-tuition (presidential scholarship) IF they name USC as their top choice school as a NMF. However, you can be NMF and can potentially get trustee (full tuition) or not be NMF and get either trustee or presidential!

Regarding National Merit Presidential Scholarship at USC. You do not need to name USC as your first choice prior to being accepted. I believe the deadline to declare USC as your first choice is May 31.

National Merit Presidential Scholarship recipients are not accepted/notified early. If they are accepted early and declare USC as their first choice then they will receive at least a half-tuition scholarship but there is a chance that they could receive a full-tuition Trustee scholarship.

As far as whether NMS are given a “huge plus”, my personal opinion is that they are not. Most scholarships are awarded based on the applicant’s entire package and not a single test.

@lemonlulu I don’t know the exact stats but the info sent out last year said that previously “nearly two thirds” of those interviewed received either a half or full tuition scholarship.

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Oh okay, guess I was misinformed! Thanks for clearing that up.

Not misinformed. A NMF must apply to USC before December 1 and he/she must name USC as his/her first choice through NMSC in order to receive the NM Presidential Scholarship. If they they don’t list USC as first choice by the deadline, they won’t receive the scholarship. But… the deadline to name USC as first choice through NMSC is May 31

Read the additional criteria for the National Merit Finalist Presidential Scholarship here:

Selected on the basis of PSAT performance.
Entering first-year students are considered
if they have been designated National Merit
Finalists and name USC as their first-choice
college with the National Merit Scholarship
Corporation by May 31.

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Did everyone get a large envelope from USC Financial Aid today? We are in Illinois and got excited for a moment.