USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Man, the wait until next week will be the longest 5 day wait in the world. It’s odd to think that scholarship decisions are pretty much already made and waiting to go out.

I wish we knew more about their selection criteria though. It’s pretty shrouded in mystery outside of the short blurb on the Scholarships PDF.

What is the soonest day we will most likely start hearing of offers?

According to the theatre department’s presentation to prospective students, they said merit scholarships will go out on the 10th/11th but I assume this is subject to change.

(Considering this is the notification to everyone and not on the chance there’s a package going out)

Thank you :slight_smile: Was that a Theater Acting Dept. presentation?

Not to my knowledge. Just from the School of Dramatic Arts. Most likely one of the “Discover USC” Zoom Meetings.

Thank you : ) So I totally agree… amazing to think they are likely sitting on the details already. Eventho it is a looooooong shot - it would be so amazing to receive!

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Next week couldn’t come sooner!


Does anyone know how many applicants are invited to interview for the Town and Gown scholarship?

idk but i know that 150 people get it.

I’m impressed by how interested, and seemingly optimistic, some people are about these scholarships. I’d just be happy to get in! Of course, a scholarship would be amazing. But because so few people get them, I refuse to get my hopes up. I just hope everyone is having realistic expectations. The vast majority of us will have to wait until RD decisions come out and I am emotionally ready for that. If anything else happens before, well then I will be as surprised (and as grateful) as I have ever been! Good luck to everyone!


I think most people have accepted the low probability, however we are just restless from having to wait so long given that they pushed out the release date. A few people in here are bound to get it, but the chances are still low. Also, some people can’t afford going to USC without the merit scholarship.


Re: cost of attendance–That’s an excellent point. I don’t think I would be considering USC if they didn’t offer 1/2 tuition for NM Scholars (hopefully we find out any day if we are NM finalists).

And obviously another bonus of getting one of these super competitive scholarships (not the NMS one) is finding out much earlier that you’re in!

I feel for all of you. The waiting game is so cruel. Both of my daughters had USC ranked as their top choice. Neither got in during January, so the wait until March was even worse. They both thankfully got admitted, but then we had to wait further for the FA package to see if its workable financially. The waiting really never seemed to end. That is all concluded for my family, but I remember the process and waiting quite well. Do your best to keep yourself distracted. There are many great series to catch up on via all of the streaming services… The Mandalorian, The Queen’s Gambit, Bridgerton, etc. So stay busy.

And good luck to all…


There are people who get in during January?

That’s what we heard. Admissions are only offered to those who are picked to compete the scholarships. The rest have to wait until late March.

Yes, IF they applied before December 1st.

What scholarships specifically?

You had to apply by 12/1 to be considered for Merit Scholarships

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All the merit based scholarships. You can find more through the link posted by @nanosec. My son applied early for the NMF half tuition.

Just to clarify, the Presidential scholarship that applicants will be invited to interview for very soon are independent of NMF 1/2 tuition awards. One does not apply for that, if they are accepted and are NMF, they will receive 1/2 tuition.

Of course some Presidential scholarship invitees will end up being NMFs and are guaranteed to get 1/2 tuition regardless of how they interview (they can’t get bumped down to less like others may), but at this point in the process, NMF is not relevant to these Presidential scholarship offered.

The Presidential are also for half and in the end, they do lump them all together in their counts (400ish Presidential scholarship includes NMFs when they put out the class profile), but NMF is not part of this Jan/Feb stage of scholarship awards.