USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Ok this will be my second to last message because I’m already stressed out. I know I’ll probably be rejected since I’m so far from the stats range. My last message will confirm my decision. Bye guys:)

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honestly he’s making mad cash bc of Tiktok so good for him

Alec Benjamin USC alum

Let Me Down Slowly

Just what USC is doing today


And hopefully you shall be.

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wanna talk about it. I know you and i are in the same boat…

The band appears too much like a military band to me. And those uniforms must be really hot. I prefer Stanford’s more irreverent band! Personal preference.

I’m just using good vibes songs talking about LA and California

no yeah he is making more than any usc undergrad for sure… shout out 24k no doubt

Me too lmao


I think 24k went for a semester…

alec benjamin, another USC dropout turned artist

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Well then I guess internationals are stuck with us west-coasters until 3-4ish


no flippin way

Welp, that’s it. If I fall asleep, I fall sleep


I agree we cannot make assumptions. But from documentaries I’ve seen about admission processes (there’s a short one about Amherst) they discard a TON of applicants pretty quickly. Apparently one reader per region during first pass discards a ton. Those probably never get to FA verification. I mean as a business stand point it just doesn’t make sense.

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Shoot me a pm:)

Hopeing you will! I wanted to as well but then I realized that I’m already biting off more than I can chew with what classes I wanna take hahah

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I believe I read on this thread that USC does not use a wait list. Am I correct in this understanding that you are either admitted or not?


i totally geeked out over the drum major stabbing a sword into the middle of the field and the trojan helmets haha