USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision


Major: Journalism
School: Annenberg
OOS - Vancouver, WA


i got accepted :’

major - human sciences
school - dornsife
oos - las vegas, nv
(also got tax return verification request last thursday which i think actually had a correlation with acceptances with what i’ve seen so far, but lmk if i’m wrong)


I recieved this too. Dont know how serious this is but not sure if I will really consider it. I dont know if I can see myself leaving college after a year, leaving all of my new friends behind.


i’m sooo late but i got in!!! i cant believe it omg
i’m international us citizen, asked for aid
we dont do GPA’s i do the o/a level system
1520 sat


My daughter’s first and only rejection (I don’t count TTP, which she was offered).
Too bad it compounded my beloved Trojan basketball team’s bounce from March Madness.

Public Health (Keck)
In State Public
3.95/4.50 (13 APs) - SAT 1450
Good, not great ECs
Polished essays
Double Legacy - My wife was already mentally refusing SC’s $77K/yr (which is bound to go up) once my daughter got into Cal, where she’ll likely go.
I’d like to add that the USC Summer Program was influential in her current career path, but didn’t seem to help at all.

Good luck all!


A little late but thought I would post on here for next year, etc… Accepted into Dornsife In-state 3.83 gpa uw 4.36 w lots of ecs but being student body president is my main one!


Spring admit Q. The spring admit process appears to be a glorified waitlist unless one buys into idea that there is no substantive difference between staring fall or spring (not buying it). Creates an unfair situation IMO. D is accepted to Cal and waitlisted at UCLA. Spring admit USC. Would choose USC if she could start in fall. So, logic dictates she accepts at USC and hopes fall spot opens in May. Also accepts Cal. But, apparently she can’t accept/deposit Cal and USC, and then decline Cal if fall USC offer made. Which is crazy because she could accept Cal and then accept UCLA instead if she comes off waitlist. I guess she’s going to Cal or UCLA but seems like unfortunate conundrum since she really wants USC. Anyone else in similar predicament?

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Why cannot she accept both and then loose Cal deposit if USC offers her fall start?

Did you receive an interview request for USC?

How was your interview? What kind of questions did they ask you?

I was accepted to UCLA, and accepted to USC for the spring semester. But I am an international student and it won’t be possible for me to miss 4 months. Do you think I can submit my deposit for both, and then wait and see if USC changes it to the fall semester? I would want to go to USC, but I can’t start in January.

Nope french school in the south, where are you from?

Re spring admits and submitting multiple intents to enroll while waiting to see if Fall spot opens at USC, there is a ton of conflicting information on CC about making multiple intents/deposits. Some say it’s fine so long as u send a letter when declining (and lose deposit) as soon as u make final decision. Others say it is seriously frowned upon and that students promise not to dual enroll as part of the common app. Just don’t know who to believe at this point.Trying to do this a legit way but its confusing.

From what people are saying, TTP is a strong encouragement to reapply to USC as a transfer after two to three semesters.

Q If I appeal my rejection letter and have the Transfer plan, will it reduce my chances to Transfer in the future?

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East Coast USA but that’s my alma mater. Congrats on the acceptance!

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Hi. Can you link to the article or direct us to it?

Hello. You can find the Price School student profile information here.
You can select the dropdown by Major. The B.S. in Public Policy had 37 enrollees for last fall’s 2020-2021 incoming class. I do not know how many students were admitted or the admit rate in order to yield 37 enrollees (maybe 100?). The USC public policy program is very highly-regarded (among the top 4 or 5 nationally). Good luck to your D22!


I don’t pretend to be an expert on spring admit at USC, but I do know from first hand experience that it is really an attempt by (most) schools that offer them to accomplish a number of institutional goals:

  1. extract full tuition from those families who can afford to take the leap without expecting any financial aid. Most don’t offer aid for whatever those fall plans are (abroad, work, internship, cc transfer). i hate to use the term, but it is a “money grab”.
  2. uphold their admission statistics for candidates who might otherwise “weigh them down”. They don’t include/publish those stats in their Fall 2021 Class Profiles. That is not to say they’re not good candidates and will do well, but rather had one facet that was questionable (bad ACT, bad junior year that trashed their GPA, etc.)
  3. manage access to valuable resources on campus that are likely oversubscribed and at full capacity (housing, advising, etc.)
  4. account for ~5% attrition and guarantee that those who do leave/drop out/transfer out for whatever reason are replaced with those ready in the wings. This is another way of saying they need managing yield after freshmen admission.

As for the rules for depositing at both, i have no idea if/how they’d manage to track or control that. I know plenty of instances where kids have deposited May 1, and gone on to enroll in June/July at choice #1. I think the question that should be asked is whether USC even considers pulling kids from Spring Admit into the fall class. Most schools have a strict policy they wont, and would actually only pull from the waitlist. In other words, its spring or nothing.

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