USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Hahaha, me too until just now reading your post! Cadre refers to some group or person trained in a certain field and leader for others, so it fits well! :wink:


lol all this time I have been reading it as CARE ADMIN! lol


Omg this is hilarious! But cadre ameen and care admin (and other variants) have their own cool panache too!


to future applicants:

i know that they say they don’t track demonstrated interest but my admissions officer just told me this and im not sure how much it played a role in my admission. but dont be afraid to contact your admissions officer and tell them ur interest in usc and any questions you may have even if it doesn’t count. good luck :smiley:
(oops i had to delete the screenshot cuz there was too much info, sorry lmao!)

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I dont know about SDA BFA but I am sure that SDA Freshman (BA) are considered for Trustee and Presidential Scholarships. Congrats!

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Ya just pm’d you - there was way too much info on there!

Ik you had to delete the screenshot, but do you mind giving a summary of what the email said?

it basically said how he appreciated my continued communication with him and conducting myself kindly. again, i dont know if my demonstrated interest did anything (i dont wanna speculate) but it was really nice to hear from them


Is it possible to go on campus and do a self-guided tour? Or is this forbidden? My wife and daughter want to walk around campus, recognizing that they wouldn’t be able to get in any buildings.

Yes you can. Someone may ask if you did the Trojan Check health check which is online - typical answer a few covid screening questions. Bookstore is by appt so may want to do that if u want some gear. Food places at The Village are open. Those on campus are not. Have fun! It’s beautiful. The outside is where you get the feel anyway! Maybe not as much without the bustling of students, but totally worth going if you can.

And it could also be CAD REAMING . . . which is funny, but makes zero sense!

I am going to PM you stats for my DS because he perfectly fits many of your earlier discussions about USC choosing strong FIT over perfect stats. My DS is good example of how someone with imperfect grades, test scores, no legacy, not a recruited athlete, not first-generation, not POC, not donating a wing to the library, etc. etc. got accepted to the SCA film production program. Bottom line: he has a unique combination of extracurricular activities that show creativity, independence and risk-taking, then spent months laser-focused on his essays and creative portfolio (especially ‘Why USC?’ and ‘Creative Personal Statement’), had a terrific interview with SCA AO, and finally — thanks to you — made clear that SCA knew they were his first choice despite great offers from other top film schools, including nice scholarships. Hoping to try and pay it forward a tiny bit by sharing this without blowing his cover. Thank you for your many hours of insightful comments — they helped more than I can express!


@Sparky232 Your post literally brought tears to my eyes and just warmed my heart, omg what an emotional ride that was for me just reading that. You have no idea what great timing you had on posting that.

He did the work - good for him and great for USC too! Love these kinds of stories. @WWWard is a key messenger as well on how important it is to let them know they are THE one, to show the love and what you bring - apparently yours could offer a master class in that! But truthfully, a student needs to feel it to express it, and apparently he really did. Congrats to the fam. SCA film production is just an honor to be part of, wow.

The PMs I get really give me a base of info to pass on to others down the road in a more general form, so I appreciate that offer.

Please ask him to mention CAD Reaming, or CA Dreaming, or Cadre Adming when he brings home his Oscar, any of those work. :wink:


This was a really important post, thanks for sharing. So are you going to be a Trojan?

Yes! And Thank YOU to @WWWard as well!! I have been on MANY CC lists after going thru the college app process with 3 kids and this one is by FAR the most thoughtful, supportive and helpful!

P.S. I sent PM but now don’t see it. I think you indicated earlier CC newbies need to have a certain number of comments? I am not a newbie to CC but don’t comment or PM often. If you send me PM, I will respond. Thanks mucho!

most likely ! im still going to wait for financial aid, but USC has been my dream school forever

Does FA come out in waves? Some people are reporting that they received theirs.

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I don’t know if this has already been answered but I was a merit scholarship finalist and received an email yesterday offering me the presidential scholarship. My financial aid came out today and there was another small merit scholarship on top of presidential included too! I think only merit finalists have received FA offers so far but i’m not sure.

Hi Care Admin!!! :rofl:

My D is similar… she was accepted into USC SDA. I would like to share some insight for you also without blowing cover but is very eerily similar to @Sparky232 comments.

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Might I ask if any scholarships were offered from USC for your S?
I am in a similar position of acceptance into the SDA… I feel as tho my daughter reaching this point was outside the metrics often discussed here.