USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

It is not a simple income calculation used by USC, they are looking at many factors from your CSS and FAFSA, then they use their own criteria to determine eligibilty from the data provided. Call the FA office if any questions.

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Is it strange that I haven’t received my acceptance package from USC yet? Am I supposed to get one because I saw some people did 2 days ago? I haven’t gotten a white envelope like one person did either. It isn’t a big deal but it would be cool to get something.

I don’t get the packages - the most recent were specifically Marshall admits, as they always send a goodie box. Not sure why some have received the “downsized” envelope/admission certificate while others haven’t gotten something, except to think it is a disconnected effort this year, versus all being done in house together. Just guessing, not sure.

Good to know! I will actually discourage him from going to USC bookstore as his sister and I both got him USC sweatshirts (in the very same color LOL) for his bday this week! I know what you mean about the USC rainbow moment – I shot of photo of my son smiling in front of the Douglas Fairbanks statue at SCA one beautiful summer day and knew this was where he was meant to be.

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BU is great school and the CGS program allows you to study abroad in your first year

Well not going to the bookstore will def save you some $$$!

Love that you had your rainbow moment!!!

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Hi. My son’s just arrived yesterday (envelope, not “box”). Maybe it is on it’s way.

Yesterday my son received a reminder of the presidential scholarship with half tuition for NMF and the actions required from the director of admissions as he indicated his semi finalist status in the original application. My wife and I also got an email for parents. The friendly gesture is really appreciated. USC stays as my son’s first choice as planned.


This also debunks the urban legend that USC tends not to admit or push NMF scholars to spring admits to avoid waiving the half tuition. Before the reminder from the admissions director, we reached out to our AO and the FA office about the scholarship. We got positive responses from both with procedures in hours.
Actually, we were worried about it during the application process. It turned out not the case. I hope this could relieve some stress for the future students and parents.
BTW, the spring admits cannot use the half tuition against the tuitions for the study abroad programs this fall as the students have not officially enrolled at USC by then yet.


Used the calculator at the very beginning of the admissions cycle in the fall. I don’t recall exactly how much it projected, but it was more than what both USC and NYU gave. I know CSS considers both parents, and I’m not sure how my ex-wife’s income/assets factored in. (We’re cordial but don’t share financial details.) She hasn’t been a financial support for past 6-7 years and I doubt this changes for college. I’ll include that in the appeal, but I’m not sure whether they’ll actually care!

I’ll take another look at the calculator. I’m totally interested in any other reasonable ideas the community has. We won’t know if she’s gotten any of the 15 STEM scholarships she’s applied for until AFTER the May 1st decision date. So, without knowing that I’m hoping I can get within $35-40K of COA after merit and grants.

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I work in the digital field. Employers will not care whether it says B.S. or B.A. unless they’re persnickety. What they will care about is experience with technology tools and software; experience with big data sets, machine learning algorithms; methods for doing analysis (e.g. cohort, segmentation, cluster, etc.). And relevant internship or co-op experience, academic research or projects.

Has anyone begun receiving departmental scholarships yet?

Visiting USC (California) for an unofficial campus visit. The campus and immediate area absolutely grand. BUT, the nearby LA strip is very sad. I truly feel awful at what I am seeing (encampments / tents all over Sunset Blvd, Hollywood Blvd, and throughout downtown. Even outside of campus, there are destitute people living on the street. These people need immediate care.

I am concerned that life will be restricted to campus. There are nice areas (Santa Monica, Gilbert Park, Glendale) but car is essential. Yes, I do see a train / tram station at campus… unsure if / when students utilize it…

Can anyone weigh in on USC life presently (amidst the Covid lock down and now potential restarting in August) ?

USC campus is pristine and sprawling.

That’s the 10 million dollar question. I assume you are from OOS. California has had relatively strict state and county guidance throughout the pandemic. Early in the pandemic, LA County’s guidance was more strict than the state’s guidance. In the past few months, the board of supervisors has pretty consistently followed state guidance. One exception was a 10 day travel quarantine in LA County but that has now been lifted. (ETA: lifted for those who are vaccinated).

What is open in any California county is currently based on a tier system. Most of the year LA County was in the most restrictive tier of purple. A few weeks ago we moved to red and we are now in orange. Fortunately case rates have been declining and if people continue to get vaccinated and there is a low burden on the hospitals, the state is due to reopen on June 15. Beyond the Blueprint press release

State guidance for higher ed was updated on April 9 and can be viewed here: County guidance for higher ed was updated on April 2 and can be viewed here.

April 15 will allow for expanded indoor seated events -page 3 here. Unfortunately USC’s last day of school is April 29 so it is unlikely that it will impact current students.

So, as you saw on your visit, the campus is mostly closed but slowly beginning to reopen.
All classes are currently virtual. I believe the majority of universities in LA County are making plans to return to as normal as possible in the fall. However, if case rates change, you can see in the documents I linked to above, what types of steps the state and county have taken to keep everyone safe.


I’m also wondering about departmental scholarships. Does every department award them? If so, when?

OOS. from East Coast big city…

Really appreciate all the CA (covid) information and upcoming easing on restrictions. Looking forward to safely and efficiently getting back to pre-covid. Thanks for adding the links too.

I am amazed at the homelessness crisis in California. (had visited UC Berkley last summer, and (very unfortunate) multiple homeless men, with their belonging, were inside the campus bathrooms shaving. Camp kids were using the same restrooms.

I am more amazed at the lack of dialogue on any chat / forum regarding this humanitarian crisis. By no means am I, nor would I ever suggest, that they should simply be removed. I say they need help, and need proper attention immediately.

How are current students managing and navigate?

Yes, CA has a homeless problem. Discussions can become very political.

I’m not going to weigh in on the pros or cons of these different programs but will just link to a few articles so you, as an OOS parent, can see examples of a few programs.

Project Roomkey

Proposal to house homeless at the beach

Redondo Beach tiny homes

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So if arriving from out of state we don’t need to quarantine or test? 3 of us are fully vaccinated but 1 is not. Just want to be sure that we follow all the rules. Thanks!

LA County’s most recent travel guidance is listed here.

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USC campus access requires a Covid questionnaire to be filled out on your mobile device daily. After completed, it will reveal a bar code that security scans, prior to entering campus as a visitor (unsure the policy for a USC student) . The USC Village, across the street, does not require this.

Generic yes / no questionnaire (very quick and simple. No issues