USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

You’re right. The environments are very different. I forgot about the cultural factor and some families living in IRC until I read it above. Thanks for clarifying!

Both are really nice in that they have air and private baths baths plus someone comes in and cleans the bathroom each week - at least they use to!

I lived in Parkside my senior year (after living off-campus junior year, it was the only singles available back in the day). I liked it because it was quiet, but it was far from the freshmen quad. But, I’m sure it’s different these days if they are placing more freshmen there.

My daughter got Marks Tower (third choice) and her roommate assignment. We also scheduled our move-in date for August 18. Move-in looks like it start Aug. 17th based on the scheduler. I lived in the freshmen quad my first year at 'SC and this experience is bringing back 80s memories. Yup, all those dorms were old back then and are still around.

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Just so it’s not confusing, McCarthy students move-in a few days ahead of the rest of the students. From a couple posts, it sounds like McCarthy has 14th move in and other dorms are 17-18.


A new scholarship just popped into my daughter’s FAST today. Ted Komula endowed scholarship? Can’t really find any info on it - but a nice surprise!


My daughter is on Marks 3rd floor!

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I really hope my D seeks the experience… so often read it is so easy to just close your room door. Strange assignment imo

I’m sure your daughter will be fine. I hear the students at USC are very open and friendly. I’m also a long-time college professor – the first few weeks maybe tough, but all my students, not matter if they are introverted or extroverted find their tribe.


The key is for them to introduce themselves to everyone in the first two weeks - in the elevator, in the dining hall and join everything they can, even if they aren’t sure and decide to bail later. The thing about apartments and air conditioning is people do close their doors versus those old stuffy buildings where people keep everything open and have funny weird things happen in common bathrooms that they bond over. It’s impossible not to meet people in a standard dorm pretty much. So if in a suite or apt the key is to put yourself out there more - and into things outside of the room. Have her start looking at clubs now - she may be able to reach out to groups this summer, to express interest and make some connections. Not having in-person orientation is a big disadvantage for everyone to meet people, so students will find other ways to make their connections - they are adaptable young things.

There are def freshman assigned there and there is a good chance they are using that building for a larger percentage of freshman than usual and have told upperclassman/grad students they have to find outside housing this year. It’s a comfortable building - the main thing is meeting others and getting involved no matter where you live!


My daughter is on the 3rd floor too!

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I didn’t realize that. S21 had choice to check in to McCarthy between 8/14-8/16.
He checks in Sunday Aug 15 … only 82 days away but who’s counting? :grin:

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Can anyone tell me which parking is closest to New North?

What is a check-in appointment for housing…who is the appointment with usually?

I suppose it is just your drop off/move in time. In normal times (pre-covid) it was a free for all and you showed up when you felt like getting there anytime within the move-in days/times. With covid, they are just setting up appts to limit the traffic flow/interaction within the halls/building. Normally it’s a mob scene and organized chaos, this is trying to take that and just make it organized.

Question…I noticed that there’s a bed assignment in the housing portal (I got Bed A1 in Webb Tower 1B2P - my first choice). So are we able to choose/duke it out between roomies…or do we have it assigned to us? And how do we know which is which?

They are actually assigned and there is a bed that is A1, so you can default to that or negotiate with room mate if you want to switch. Sometimes the early bird gets the worm (first one in) and that person will play oblivious to assigned bed and take what they want. But most are courteous and work it out just fine. In most rooms, there isn’t really an advantage to one side or the other. They are equal. Webb apartments are huge with big common area.

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Just to add to posts by @CADREAMIN and others, McCarthy has staggered move in from August 14th-16th. A call to USC’s Housing office confirms they are staggering move in this year, to avoid everyone piling up at once. D chose earliest time available to her, 8:30AM Saturday the 14th. She can’t wait to get out out of the house! :laughing:


My daughter was assigned New North single with sink. She was offered Aug 17 or Aug 18 for her move-in appt.

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Just as an FYI Parkside Apartments offered 16, 17, 18th move in dates – Chose 18th

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