USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

^^^ well said

I’m applying to Viterbi, and I’m sort of stuck on one of the app questions:

“Engineering and Computer Science students are sometimes assumed to have personalities with shared traits or characteristics. What is a trait or characteristic you believe you share with other engineering and computer science students and another where you differ? Please tell us about these two traits and why you chose them.”

So do they expect us to stereotype about engineering students and what we thing we share and differ on. I guess, what I’m basically worried about is getting the traits wrong, per se… like assuming a trait of engineering students that may not be seen in the same way by admissions officers.

@lkg4answers I chose veggie straws lol. I wonder if that stood out? :lol:

You are trying to figure out what they want to hear versus the things about you that you should be sharing with them. That is one of the biggest mistake applicants make and they see right through that. Things about you are not right or wrong, they are who you are.

There are traits that engineers have (and that is ok regardless of the current political climate where thinking any stereotype is supposed to be wrong). Which traits of an engineer do you have? Desire to figure things out? Like math? Bad fashion sense? They don’t need an education on traits of engineers, they do need an education on you. What traits do you have and how have you used them or want to use them? The answer to why you chose them will be in there.

Good luck!

Okay thank you. I just wanted to make sure that I don’t have to overthink it like some of my classmates are…

You got this!

@Alamere look at Viterbi’s Engineering Plus and realize that they are looking for students with a variety of skills and interests. Be true to yourself and tell them what you like about engineering (which is most likely similar to other engineers) and what types of things you like outside of engineering (which is how you are different).

My daughter is applying to USC and it’s one of her top choices. We have several questions when filling out the common applications.

  1. We know the high school counselor is going to send the official transcript to USC so I assume once we submit the USC application through common app, it’ll trigger a system to have our counselor send the transcript via naviance. Is that correct understanding?

  2. In common app we don’t see any place about asking for official score send about SAT/ACT, SAT Subject Test and/or AP exam. Currently they are self-reported through common app, how do I know if USC requires the official score? — I am asking to figure out which schools requires to minimize my cost to send to every school even when they don’t requires it upon admittance.

@chance11 I can’t answer your first question b/c my counselor uploaded my transcripts directly via the Common App. Your counselor will be the most knowledgeable person about your school’s usage of Naviance for submitting documents and how it relates to the Common App.

For #2, the Common Application only asks you to self-report scores—it’s up to the applicant to figure out (contacting the admissions office if not on the website) to know if official scores are required.) IIRC USC required official ACT scores but accepted self-reported SAT Subject Test scores—still contact the Admissions Office to confirm.

Very few, if any (the University of Central Florida was the only school I applied to that did,) require official AP test reports until you officially commit. If not listed on the website, it’s likely that they don’t require official reports, but you can always double-check with the admissions office to be certain—that’s why they’re there!

Hope that helps! Good luck with admissions!

Thank you @PikachuRocks15 for your reply. I agreed with you #1 should be done by my counselor. I found out there is a linkage between naviance and common app.

I’ll check with my AO and was hoping we can cut down on the cost of submitting official scores as each one cost money but again I searched and didn’t find a concrete answer but again I want to make sure the information is not out there before I reach my AO.

@chance11 You don’t need (and probably shouldn’t unless it’s a super-specific question IMO) contact your AO. Admissions offices as large as USC usually have general admissions staff familiar with questions like these. The general Admissions email or phone number will be listed on the website.

Hope that helps!

Thanks @PikachuRocks15 and it helps!

@CADREAMIN Thank you and many others for your wonderful support to parents and students. I have my S21 applying to USC. He needs to send his community college transcript for the classes he took during high school summer to USC. In the Community College website, it mentions USC’s address as below ;

3601 S FLOWER RM 112
LOS ANGELES CA 90089-0911

On the USC website, the address mentioned for sending transcripts and official documents is different which is ;

USC Office of Admission
University Park Campus
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911

Is it still fine to send it to the first address mentioned above? Pls, advise me. Thanks!

@Suave123 I would go with what USC says itself on their own website.

Good luck…

Thanks for the kind words @Suave123! This is the one:

USC Office of Admission
University Park Campus
Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911

The Flower address is a different admin building…

If he can find his advisor, it wouldn’t hurt to let them know he sent them and also attach the transcript to an email to him/her (always good to connect with them). Once he has an application portal there is a place to upload docs as well. So he can cover all bases. :slight_smile:

Submitted my application! Now the waiting ensues…

Thanks, @CADREAMIN. He did send his CC transcripts to the address mentioned by you and on the USC website. Thanks for your help!

If you do not apply by December 1st, I am aware you will not get Merit consideration. But does anyone know if that hurts your overall chances for getting in? Will be applying to the Architecture program and a portfolio is required. There are some projects that won’t be finished until mid-December that I would like to include. For me, that’s more important than the Dec 1 date but don’t want to hurt my chances by submitting on the normal deadline.

@wahoowaaa It won’t hurt your chances, just means you won’t be considered for the major merit scholarships (except for NM half-tuition, which is automatic if NMS).

@wahoowaaa For architecture, put the priority on your portfolio, not on the deadline, IF you don’t need the $ to attend. Many people applying to USC don’t try for merit or need the merit money, or they just don’t finish the app in time, or don’t realize there is a Dec 1st deadline…for whatever reason, roughly 40K do apply by Dec 1, but another 20K apply after the deadline (depending on app year and amount of apps, but you get the idea).

While they start some of the work as apps come in as merit decisions come out late January, a lot of processing of apps really cranks after the holidays, so coming in after December 1st will in no way impact your chances, particularly if you are a strong student with a strong portfolio. That will shine through either way. I sure wouldn’t wait until the last day however - too risky!