USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

i applied to the wbb program! so far i have talked to 3 other people who applied (including me and you if you applied that means there’s a total so far of 5 applicants). i’m not sure overall how many students applied as most students that apply tend to be international. not sure how it will all play out due to covid but i am wishing us all for the best!!

Thank you for the details!

Friday is going to be filled with a whole lot of anxiety and refreshing the portal and my email…atleast for me lol


Thank you for all the information you’ve posted. Can you tell more about how student life has been this last fall for freshman and underclassmen in general because of COVID? I did read somewhere that USC had %100 online classes. We are in the same boat considering what to do choosing between CA and other non-west coast schools when the time comes. Thank you in advance!

so around 5 pm pacific time?

usually thats around the time they release

Curious if you know: Relative to the email (or box) being anxiously awaited, are these any and all merit scholarships, or just the “big” ones. Meaning, if USC offers a much smaller merit award ($15,000 or $20,000 a year) will those also receive notification by email or box? Or are these scholarship notifications only for those being invited to interview for the big ones? Thanks.

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It has been mainly so… online / remote learning. But I do not think it is 100%. There are a few / rare exceptions. It is certainly disappointing and challenging. In the case of my daughter and her fellow seniors, certainly not the way you want to end your time at USC. But my daughter still wanted to return to CA to be with her friends versus only being online from FL. She still goes on campus regularly… just for the vibe of it I guess.

I personally suspect that vaccines will be widely available by mid-summer. Herd immunity alone should make things much better by the fall. Here’s hoping for a return to normal life by then. Again… it really only seems to be a struggle in a few states… CA, NY, NJ, VA, etc. The vast majority of the nation seems to have a handle on this by now. Hopefully CA gets it under control soon too.


Yep! I live in Los Angeles and local universities like UCLA and LMU have already notified their students that they will in fact be open for in-person learning in the fall - I suspect exactly the same for USC. Things fortunately seem to be calming down for us.


Great news! Now if they can just also have an in-person graduation in May.

Just got off another Viterbi information session. She confirmed scholarship decisions come out tomorrow and that there are a lot to go out so some people may not hear until Saturday or Sunday.


wait is that including packages or just an email notification ?

Nothing was mentioned about the vehicle of delivery. But they already said it would be email(though some people here say if you get a scholarship you will see an update to your portal which makes sense since you are admitted).

It seems weird that it would take several days to roll out emails since the # of people shouldn’t be that substantially different from past years? Or am I missing something?


I’m just reporting what was said. She said that because there are so many people, some people may not hear until Saturday or Sunday. I do not know if this is true. It is just what the Viterbi Admission’s officer said. I’m reporting it because you all seem very interested in scholarship timing. I am not so interested in this because I do not expect to get a scholarship!

It’s interesting to say the least. If it’s as easy as an email-blast to everyone (in waves) I don’t see what the hold up could be :thinking:

Packages might be a thought but frankly, maybe they just want less pressure on the portal servers on one day.

i’m kinda confused, if you get a scholarship finalist notification, does that mean you’re accepted to usc?? or can you get rejected from usc itself post-interview

If you get scholarship notification you are indeed accepted, they do not take that away. The amount of scholarship is tbd after interview.


oh alright, thanks :))

Re the email v. portal…There is usually a message in your portal that says there is an update that then links to an email. So it is not a direct email to you - it is an email in your portal. At least that is how it has been.