USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

will we be sent packages?

You guess is as good as mine. Though again, their mailroom is operating, we just don’t know how well. I hope so though!

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Did anyone apply to WBB and know how many applicants there were?

Last year im guessing it was around march 25th, so probably the same time

It was also posted on Intagram

They are excluded because the audition process is not complete.

Thoughts on mail packages???

I wouldn’t completely rule it out but they did say that they are going to announce via email.

@TrojanMPT Performance majors are not excluded from consideration of these awards but obviously are evaluated on other aspects of the application as well since they haven’t auditioned yet. They may also receive these scholarships at a a later time. With their smaller enrollment in performance programs, Thornton handles much of their notifications separately from admissions (speaking of the notifying process). I have also known performance major students to go on a waitlist to get in for their majors during March notifications - pending someone else accepting or not. When only 6 are I n a program, they want it full so this is the only instance of their being a “waitlist” used at USC. Point is, within all this, is that Thornton has a unique situation and has its own timetable for certain majors but applicants have all the same opportunities for scholarships.

Both of my daughters were also super eager, applying in August, and each had to wait until March. They survived the wait and got in… but there is no denying the stress of “The Wait”.

Good luck…


A friend whose freshman Trojan was accepted LAST March (2020) just received their acceptance package yesterday. It sounds like it was a stripped down version of the white box normally sent and was a larger envelope with the folder inside.

Not sure if this means packages were sent for this cycle, if so, they would start showing up here. Either way, just a day for the digital notification.

Good luck everyone - it’s been a tough year - don’t put so much into this and keep yourself healthy emotionally through this college acceptance cycle. I’m obviously a huge USC fan, but there’s lots of amazing schools out there. You define what your college experience will be wherever you go. Don’t let a college define you based on accepting you (or not) or giving you a scholarship (or not). So many things out of your control - demographics (gender, ethnicity, where u are from geographically etc and other factors that contribute to an intellectually diverse class in many regards) major and number applying v number needed - are used to determine awards and acceptance. There are just way more talented students than spaces and scholarships for them. Just a fact, but it can hurt. But understand it is an issue with the numbers and demand, and not you personally.

They don’t even accept more than 3,000 students with a 4.0 and stats in the 99th percentile. Any of those could likely have everything that a scholarship recipient has, but they aren’t even accepted. That’s the numbers, not the student. Try not to take this too hard or personally and know you will end up at a great school cause you will make it great. That’s who you are.


Well said above…

I have had at least one child at USC from August 2014 forward. And we of course started dealing with them in the fall of 2013 when my older daughter first applied. There have been a handful of issues that I would have preferred been handled differently by USC over those last 7+ years, but when evaluating everything in terms of admissions, financial aid, academic advising, the course registration process, student/parent communications, housing, etc., I remain very content and satisfied with USC overall. Clearly though… things were much better pre-COVID. Over time, I believe that most students and their parents come to think of USC as a well-oiled machine that really endeavors to meet and surpass the expectations of everyone who has become a part of their extended Trojan family.

Now clearly my family’s opinion were first and foremost swayed by the reality that both of my daughters were admitted and attended and then had tremendously satisfying experiences while at USC. I fully acknowledge that our experience is our family’s alone. But it is also why I still come back to CC and post about USC in hopes of helping others by answering questions or sharing our insights. I, like @CADREAMIN , have had extremely positive experiences regarding USC, and we welcome the opportunity to assist others as they possibly embark on a similar journey.

And its understandable then that many have contrary experiences. Some simply opt to lash out against USC because they were denied a merit scholarship or later denied admission altogether. And I understand how that disappointment will forever change certain individuals’ views of USC. After all, 87-89% or so of all applicants are likely going to fail to be admitted this cycle.

For those who do gain admission and then must decide where to enroll. I would certainly not base your decision on something as simple as CC posts, regardless of whether someone like myself is decidedly pro-USC or not. I would do ample research and not just here on CC.

As I have mentioned on this thread before, I would look at all of the various rankings… but I also suggest taking a look at the Niche College Rankings… comparing USC and other colleges and universities using some of their rankings, metrics and measurements. The Niche Rankings and Grades are mainly based on survey results from past and current students and faculty, and they delve into a number of areas that really highlight the topics that will most impact you once there as an actual student on campus.

For those curious… the last time I checked, USC was ranked #19 overall on the Niche College Rankings and its grades were: A+ for its Overall Niche Grade… and then by category: Academics A+, Value A+, Diversity A+, Campus A+, Athletics A+, Party Scene A+, Professors A+, Location B+, Dorms A-, Campus Food A-, Student Life A+, Safety B. But here is likely the best indicator… USC was ranked #1 out of 1579 colleges and universities surveyed in terms of “Best Student Life” overall.

So… if admitted… do not judge USC just on the admissions process you experienced alone. Judge it on the type of college experience you hope to have over the next four years. Visit the main campus and the USC Village… virtually online if you must. Ask lots of questions. Tour its facilities and housing… again - virtually online if you must. Make a proper comparison with your other admitted options, and then choose the right school for you.

Good luck to all those awaiting a decision this week… and again in Mach if not admitted this week.


I saw a picture on Instagram with someone from the Class of 2024 who posted an actual box yesterday. (you can search #USC2024)

when do decisions come out??

Thank you for sharing all this info and your experience! The only concern I have regarding USC (should my kid get accepted) is whether or not it will be open this Fall. Everything about it sounds amazing (but much less so if your student is paying but not attending).


same boat here - schools in the SE that will most likely be on campus vs. SoCal schools (as fantastic as they are).


You’re welcome. No doubt. And while vaccinations are on a steady pace, and it seems like our world is heading back toward normalcy at a rapid pace, CA is clearly a strange exception. Here in FL, you really cannot tell that COVID is that great of a concern anymore. Yes… people still wear masks for the most part, but everything has also been open for months… including K-12 schools and most colleges and universities. My daughter - a graduating senior - returned to CA in January and says that it is like night vs day. CA, and especially L.A., is still on lock down for the most part. Here’s hoping that by August/September things will be much better and that normal college life can return… even in CA.

Good luck…

This isn’t a deferral process. It is more like everyone is in the same pool and a few are pulled out of that pool to be offered scholarships.

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Yep. Not just in SE - in every other part of the country as well :slight_smile:

Just listened to another live information session. They said scholarship decisions come out Friday and you should hear “by the end of the day Friday” Did not appear she was saying everyone hears at end of day, or that there was a specific time, just that we would hear by the end of the day Friday.

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