USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

no request but our HS automatically uploaded them to common app, 12/3, and they show as received in the portal.

My portal doesn’t say anything about mid year grades. It doesn’t say that it’s awaiting them or has received them. My grades for my HS didn’t come out until January so maybe that’s why?

Internal transfer between schools is not easy. Sophomore son was denied transfer from Dornsife to Marshall despite 3.5 gpa. They said it was because he elected P/NP during Fall 2020 semester.

Moreover, beginning spring of 2021, Marshall will restrict internal transfer applications to two attempts. In the past, unlimited attempts were permitted.

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@madisonWI Sorry that didn’t work out for him. Ineresting that they said it was the P/NP.

A USC student trying to transfer into Marshall typically needs to be 3.75 or above to get in. Not required, but they said that is the norm at an “internal transfer to Marshall how to” session (that attending is also required if you want to transfer). If under 3.75, they said chances were super slim. You also need to knock out some classes before you can transfer - I think the math and econ series, but not 100% sure on that.

It can be way harder to get into Marshall after you get there, not everyone realizes that, but they do move some kids in every semester.

Obviously the easiest transfers are within the same school…Dornsife to Dornsife or Viterbi to Viterbi etc.

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I think it’s a negative to have to “transfer” internally for schools like UVa, Penn Wharton, USC Marshall, UMass etc.

I much prefer a school like UChicago where you just declare a different major. For example, UChicago’s new Economics with Business Concentration is effectively a business major with Boothe classes, which is a top 3 MbA program.

If one doubts what they want to major in, going to a university that has restrictive transfers should be carefully considered. Everyone thinks they will have the appropriate gpa but the stats indicate otherwise.

(Engineering is often a separate school)

This should be one of the factors to consider when choosing among universities, all else being equal.


I absolutely agree! I came to the UDub as a business major and ended up majoring in chemical engineering. I wished schools gave kids more grace. It’s so tough to have your mind made up at 17-18.

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To expand a bit on this (since we are all just waiting on scholarship results)…In general, it is easy to change majors USC - for many it is as easy as walking into your advisor and the swipe of a pen, in others like engineering and business, you have certain standards to entry, like gpa or certain classes before you switch, which makes sense to me. Without any criteria, too much floating in and out would occur and wreak havoc, so I think there should be some hoops for certain changes.

We picked USC because of being able to change majors easily and it being an environment that strongly encourages a second major or minor. Other things factored too of course, but those were biggies.


does anyone know if certain portal options have any correlation with admission? i have the option for “final high school transcript” and “gap year explanation”. does everyone have these?

Yes, everyone has them.

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My portal doesn’t have either of those. I don’t know what that means…

My daughter’s portal doesn’t have those either. It has a place for forms, application checklist, and materials.

Those are options in the upload materials. Trust me, they will be there

Thanks! So anxious over here! LOL!

Good morning folks. Do you guys know when notifications come out?

they did say they will be rolling out all day so to be honest maybe when the office is open the first wave might roll out ?

In that case, waiting for 10am so anxiously!

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What specific hours did they say the office would be closed today?

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Is there any time speculation

Ugh this is me remembering they are 3 hours behind me🙄