USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

there’s gotta be a hacker in class of '21 that could take one for the team :smirk:


where are the CS majors at

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It’s the ultimate CS project.

:rofl: :crazy_face: :joy:

I respectfully disagree with this. I think they use the top scholarships to woo students who are interested in USC but not 100% sold. They know the top students will have lots of great options and they are hoping that the scholarships will tip the scales in their favor.


someone on the reddit claims theirs came out around 4 minutes ago but their sister’s didn’t? -UPDATE SO NO ONE HAS A HEART ATTACK apparently it was deleted (probably fake) carry on

We shall see with time.

Per reddit, some folks are getting their notifications… Check your portal. Good luck!!

Hang on… Might be a false alert. Sorry

Hey guys, not to be dramatic, but I worry about you guys - I know this covid thing is so hard on you crazy social teens and 20 somethings, you are missing a lot. Add to this college decisions - with elation for some, but for many more, there will be disappointment and angst that is a natural part of the process. We will see both of these today.

Want to warn you that it can be hard seeing “OMG I got in!”, “I got an interview!” while the clock ticks away and nothing is coming to your portal or it’s the “no scholarship for you letter.”

Just know your time and special moment will come - AND IT WILL! - but it just may not be today. Wait for it. It’s ok to be sad, or be pissed and even jealous, but by the time you wake up tomorrow or sometime this weekend, commit to shake it off best you can and look forward to your own good news at another time. You will all end up at a great place - make it that way, wherever it is!

For years, I have always been encouraged by how supportive the posters are on the USC pages here (compared to some other sites). If you are struggling in this process, please talk to someone, even on a random site like this, find people to support you. They are out there.

Please don’t let the numbers game of college admissions and their scholarships define you. I said this before, but don’t let anyone tell you or make you think you are not awesome.


can someone send the reddit link please ?


Totally agree with you, great point that I didn’t make!

Glad for them! I guess that settles the theory. We’ll see over time I suppose!

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Ya the “when I called” part of that story makes no sense. If anyone has called admissions lately you know why.

Not buying that post at all.


Is admissions not accepting calls relating to scholarships?

@CADREAMIN care to elaborate?

As far as I know, everyone is working remotely and no one is picking up phonecalls.

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If you’re bored, call USC admissions and if/when you eventually get to someone, ask about scholarships and see what happens.

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they are working remotely but they do pick up phone calls. I had some issue a while ago and I had to call them. They answered and helped me solve it, they do ask for ur application number though

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