USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I will confess that while waiting on package notification, I have chased down the mail truck at a high rate of speed, which is silly since they stop all the time. Embarrassing but true.


hi does someone know whats the number of people who applied before december 1 again?? i forgot


40,000 ish? i believe

thank you!! this is an increase from previous year right

Ah, yes, and I’ll never forget my daughter two years ago (in March) running inside holding the coveted white box! So exciting.


ya i think last year was like 36 or 37

so scared. my bets on either 4PM or 5PM PST

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Not me waking up at 5:30 am to see if there was an update and scholarships aren’t even out at 3:30pm lol


As a user said earlier, I wouldn’t doubt they release it at 5 and just leave for the 3-day weekend.

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@CADREAMIN Did someone say they have new limits on the percent of scions they can admit?

Them getting the box is def a top 10 memory, I can still see mine opening the mailbox and looking back at me in wonderment then pulling it out with absolute joy on their face. Like a four year old on Christmas morning!


thats the dream

Calling @WWWard for this one. Seems I remember he had that figure.

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Are you here for your younger one? I remember our older ones were in the same boat 2 yrs ago, right? Now the time for second ones :slight_smile:

@Suave123 I remember you! Yes, I’m here for my youngest D now. Middle D is sophomore at USC. How bout you?

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Older one is a sophomore at Stanford and I’m here for my younger son :slight_smile:

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They should do what many others did for EA. Publish the time and date of the release. None of this “rolling” click bait either.


It is rather annoying but what can we do…

@suave123 Oh yes, I remember about Stanford now. Exciting!

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