USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Has anyone received a package in the mail since during previous years admissions were released around this time

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We usually see the first post at noon-ish the day after packages are sent from someone in socal posting they got the glorious box.

Last year they were sent on what corresponds to today (Thursday the 24th) and started arriving Friday. Let’s see if they show up tomorrow. For years and years, they have always preferred to send admissions info at the end of the week. This way people can process the joy/disappointment over the weekend and not flood admissions with calls. Basically time to calm down. Reminds me of grade school class assignments in the old days (like 10 years ago) that were posted on the windows, then the admin would sneak out the back door. Point was, they didn’t want to hear from anyone…some things never change. :slight_smile:

The best guage for priority mail time from USC is this link, using originating zip code 90089. (USC owns this zip code, you will also see 90007 used in that area.)

Good luck all!


wouldn’t the admissions social media/website post or notify people if they were actually coming tmw or sometime in the next week? or do they usually do it after?

They have sometimes sent a pic of loading postal trucks on instagram to announce they are shipping the regular admissions in March. They have never pre-announced that they sent the scholarship invites. They like the mailbox surprise, it’s an old school tradition for them.

ok, thanks. hoping for the best!!

On Instagram a week ago, an USC admissions counselor said that the decision release date would be mid Feb? Have you heard anything about them pushing the date back because they originally announced that it would be late Jan in December?

Good luck! I do hope they were sent today. They have a schedule to follow, so it really should have been today unless covid changed their course. But not anticipating that knowing how they work. I hope they aren’t holding back on the boxes and let them fly!

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I saw an update from USC. They are not sending scholarship invites until mid February. Another month to go.

This years seniors are having to wait longer on everything it seems.

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USC has always set expectations that are a few weeks later than reality. The mid-Feb mark has always been the norm… but they have also always gone out in late January. I suspect that it will still be this week or next week at the latest for the scholarship announcements.

Good Luck to all who applied by Dec 1st.


I heard that Ivy Day has been pushed out by a week to April 6th this year (last year it was March 26th I believe and this year it was already later on March 31st so now even later) so looks like schools are pushing out announcement dates citing significant increases in applicants, which is also not great for this year’s seniors. I hope USC keeps to the Late Jan dates.

Yeah I got an email from Princeton that all Ivies were releasing Apr 6th too. Does this mean that other schools who release on Ivy day are also pushed to that date?

@kprasad Not necessarily, outside of the Ivy cluster, each school can do their own thing.

No. It means that all 8 members of the Ivy League (Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Penn, Cornell, Brown, Dartmouth) have pushed their date until 4/6. Any other schools who may have coincidentally informed the same day as Ivy schools are not bound by this at all.

Does everyone get a portal update at the same time? I wouldn’t think that a person from the east coast would necessarily get a package at the same time as a California resident.

I believe the portals last year got updated on a Sunday while the packages were delivered on Friday, but I’m not exactly sure.

On their website it says mid February are we still thinking this week or next

They intentionally time it so that most people get the white box in the mail before the portals update. My D got in two years ago, and the white box arrived in the mail (NorCal) on a Saturday, and the portal updated Sunday. But that was in March, not January.

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so if I read correctly, students who applied for the scholarship and live in SoCal should be getting a package in the mail today? Has anybody gotten one yet?

unfortunately I don’t think anyone has heard back yet. I think that the best chance of hearing back would probably be next week. Good luck to all!

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Only people selected for the scholarships receive packages right?