USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Does anyone know what it means when a professor contacts you for an application follow-up? Is it like an interview or something?

Could be, yes. Good thing is, someone is giving your app attention, that is usually a good sign. Some majors this is more common than others which rarely do it.

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Last year’s “white box” was a cardboard shipping box with a USC logo on the back. Inside was the red folder. Was it something different prior to that?

The residential hall box they sent recently was cool as it played music when you opened the lid.

The white box (but a different color box for spring admits) has been the play for the last several years.

In the USC portal, for those who got admitted there is a form with the title “Fall 2021 Admit Reply Form” in the Forms section with “Required” marked in Red text.
Upon clicking this form, it takes to another page with the following question and two choices:
Do you accept the USC offer of admission?
I ACCEPT my USC offer of admission.
I DECLINE my USC offer of admission.
Is selecting ACCEPT/acceptance here is same as commitment? Has anyone verified this with the USC admissions office or councelor? Thank you.

Yes… accepting an offer of admission is equivalent to a commitment of attending USC. I would only do so if that is your intent. You would then need to post an enrollment deposit, etc. But you also have until May 1st I believe to do so however.

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My daughter was lucky enough to get early acceptance and she learned yesterday that about 50% of these accepted students will get Presidential scholarships (50% tuition), about 20% will get Trustee scholarships (full tuition), and about 20% will get Dean’s awards (1/4 tuition). So approx. 90% of the early admits will get some type of award. We had no idea the percentage was so high.


Congrats to your daughter for being a finalist!!!

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Congratulations to your daughter! Where did she hear those statistics?

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She got an email from the Associate Dean of Undergraduate Admissions setting out these stats.


I thought it was interesting b/c looking at the number of scholarships they give out on the scholarship page, it doesn’t seem like it’s nearly this many kids who get them.

all those who got accepted to wbb and did not have any scholarship notification, we aren’t getting one

@momoflyceekid Congrats! That’s super helpful stats to have as it gets asked often. The scholarship page figures are based on those that attend and use them. A large percent of the merit recipients may get one of the biggies, but a smaller percentage will actually attend. For some, even half tuition leaves too big of a bill and they may have better offers elsewhere. Or they have other first choices etc. Good to know stats are on your side. :slight_smile:

yes, that makes a lot of sense and explains our confusion!

Also, while not scientific, over the last 10 years on here, we have never heard of someone getting nothing. We have heard of a someone going for a Trustees (when it use to specified) getting bumped to a Director’s which is like 2k, but the mom was open that her daughter’s heart wasn’t into the interview and was just going through the motions. She had been admitted to one of her dream Ivy’s and knew that’s where she was going, so all ended well!

Ok, great to know! USC is my daughter’s dream school - regardless of where else she gets in so this is all great news for her.

Box update – my daughter got an email that says she has a 2 lb package coming from USC arriving on Friday.


@momoflyceekid Well you are full of great news today! Thanks for keeping us posted - it seemed they would get the boxes since they just sent out the ones for last March - but this could also be the “Explore” package with stuff you would get if doing the interviews in person - like info, a tshirt or other goodies.

Look foward to hearing what it is!

@momoflyceekid that is AWESOME news. We were just discussing that tradition and hoping it carried on! Thank you for sharing!