USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

I did not mean to start a thing. It’s all good.

My son also got the same request via email for mid year report. His school counselor had sent the Fall grades thru common app, so not sure why they requested them again. He also got an email asking for the parent tax supplement that was missing.

Maybe I’m getting my hopes up but with 3 weeks left before the decision date, why would they send an email requesting mid year grades to EVERY SINGLE APPLICANT who did not submit them earlier? I’m just thinking if you got the email request, you are in the maybe pile.

It’s an automated list that tells them who to contact for missing information. It happens every year. Yes they reach out to everyone. They have to have complete file on every applicant.


I don’t want to argue with you because it seems like you know a lot, but it was mentioned several times that mid year grades are not needed for USC’s application review. Actually, in January, I asked my admissions rep. if I needed to send my grades and she said USC will contact me if they need my mid year grades. Also, this is the email.

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My nephew applied last year and never received a request for mid-year grades (and he was denied admission). My son’s admission counselor told my son not to submit them (that he would be contacted if they ever need them). He was not contacted but sent them anyway about a week ago since there has been conflicting info from USC (the form letter advising he did not get a merit scholarship interview says to submit mid-year grades).

That is the email my son got. He is applying to Thornton Popular Music, he had a live audition end of January. He said it went well. His GPA is very low for USC though. His senior grades are way better, so glad they asked!

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USC Application checklist

@tinkerbell321 It sounds like you had different information source or it was different this year… I didn’t have one applying this year, but in the past USC has always been clear on this - Submit your fall Grades is one of the check list items on the website. I know all four of my accepted to USC always had the mid-year report sent - it was done automatically by their HS counselor (they supplied counselor with list of things to be sent to each school).

I’m confused about the questioning if something on the checklist should be done…maybe I missed something that was communicated to you all this year, idk. But mid-year always been standard stuff at USC. That is the same letter sent every year reminding people to send them in.


• **Common Application and USC Writing Supplement](

• **Official Test Scores: For students who submit test scores, USC records the highest scores for those who have taken tests more than once. For the SAT and ACT, the highest scores for each section of the exam will be recorded, even if achieved in different sittings. USC does not require the writing section for either the ACT or the SAT general test.

Transcripts: First-year applicants should submit official transcripts of all high school and college coursework completed.

Letter(s) of Recommendation: One letter is required from either your school counselor or a teacher from your school. Applicants to the School of Cinematic Arts must submit three letters of recommendation.

Portfolio, resumé and/or additional writing samples: if required by major. Performance majors may also require auditions.

Submit your fall grades (when available): Use the Mid-Year Report Form included in the Common Application or visit your applicant portal to submit your fall grades.

Application Affirmations:


Does USC waitlist students? When I attended the USC Roski session they said they don’t waitlist people.

@Justkids08 No they do not. (Except for a couple of the tiny majors where there are like 6 people in a program like performance majors for example.)

You can be accepted to spring admission (Jan 2022) rather than fall, some people think of that kinda as a waitlist, but in the true context of a WL, they do not.

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if you check for Spring admit in Common App

some said spring admit is another form of waitlist, they may move you to fall with little chance

I found this on their site

Mid-Year Reports are necessary for them to make a finalized informed decision. I wouldn’t see it as anything more than just an extra thing for them to make an informed decision. Mid-Years are not required but virtually every applicant sends/has to send them.

In my son’s case, his high school counselor had uploaded his fall grades thru common app.
He still got the email request.
I guess we will know in a couple of weeks :love_you_gesture:t3:

Is Spring admission something you have to elect, or is everyone considered for it? I just looked at my common app and the only possible reference I found was a question for Preferred Start Term and I put Fall 2021. Does this mean I won’t be considered for Spring, or is everyone considered for both?

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I’m just happy it looks like the USC campus will be bustling again this fall. Mine have been there the past several months, but it is too quiet on campus!


What day did you get this email?

Everyone’s considered for it. It’s for kids they like but don’t have the space for if I recall correctly.

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