USC Class of 2025 — Regular Decision

Thank you!

Spring admits are people they would like to admit but don’t have the room for and it fills space left by December grads or kids that were doing study abroad. You cannot request it, which a lot of people asked about last year with the covid issue. When they did packages, spring admits were in yellow packaging rather than white, I assume the online notification will make it clear.


No wonder I saw yellow box on youtube decision reaction

Same with us. Grades were reported and then requested again. Maybe they got lost in the system.

What program did you apply for tinker bell.

why is there so much confusion over the mid year grades. I think it means they’re looking at someone’s file and they decided they needed to see more grades. Just because your mid year grades are good doesn’t mean you’ll automatically get in from that point and vice versa. I think it means they are on the fence with your application. This isn’t necessarily a good thing or a bad thing.

I am not sure if my DD got the request. She didn’t say, but our mid years were submitted in December, and we asked our CC to send 2nd trimester grades a couple of weeks ago and they have been downloaded. In the letter stating she did not get a merit scholarship did request mid year grades. My DD’s stats are within range… but this is still a reach/dream school for her.


I think it’s important to note that according to @anon13759523 from what they asked an Admissions Counselor, they’ve finished most secondary reviews. This is speculation (as is most things I say here), but I’m going to assume that the students who’ve been requested Mid-Year Reports have not had a final review yet (since they can’t. they don’t know how you’re doing in your senior-level classes)

This seems like a very neutral part of the process that doesn’t favor either end (getting it or not). Of all things to overanalyze, I don’t think the Mid-Year should be something we overanalyze. Especially since the majority of students have theirs sent automatically.


Good luck to you :crossed_fingers:


Thank you:) you as well!

Is everyone extended an interview, or only those applicants they are interested in? Or is it major-specific?

Interviews are offered in specific majors (I believe most performing arts majors do interviews), as well as to scholarship nominees.

my daughter got the email notification about mid-year grades. Today her AO sent her an email asking for it and saying if need be submit it yourself via the USC portal should high school counselor be delayed in submitting. we were hoping HS counselor would have sent in by now but now will be taking care of it ourselves. Looks like they just want more information.

@jmg11534 I’d get them in NOW before it’s case closed.

Mid year grades are required, it’s pretty simple, right there on the checklist. Fairness in evaluating everyone means having the same basic set of info from everyone. Missing items aren’t good for a file.


Is getting into viterbi for mechanical engineering harder or easier compared to Purdue’s ?

I didn’t look too closely into USCs requirements. I thought all regular decision applicants sent in Mid year grades for regular decision at all colleges? I believe it is automatic at my daughters large public high school.

My son’s high school automatically sent grades through Naviance to all UC, CSU, and common app schools.

On the USC ZeeMee someone posted the email they sent to guidance counselors. The School plans to release decisions on March 30.

They also plan to accept 8,100 students this year which is around a 12% acceptance rate. 60% of applicants were also TO.

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what does TO mean?